Responsibility and business ethics
Our products support economic and human well-being in facilities and infrastructures worldwide – they can also be used in the context of restraint. We realize that technology is a growing societal and ethical concern, and we believe in taking responsibility for the world we help create.

Sustainable development goals
At Milestone we are conscious of our operations and impact as a global company. We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and we are committed to contributing to these goals within our reach in our business and industry.

Milestone Whistleblower Portal
Report suspected misconduct
At Milestone, our ethics and integrity are the very foundation of how we conduct business. We take any legal or ethical violation extremely seriously and encourage you to speak up if you suspect a breach.
Technology for the greater good
Milestone is a co-author of the Copenhagen Letter, a technology declaration that pushes for an open and honest public conversation about the power of technology and how it should enhance quality of life.
Values and behavior compass
Milestone’s approach to human rights, anti-corruption and bribery is firmly based on our company values and behavior compass. We require employees, partners, and customers to comply with applicable laws and to respect human rights. We do not accept discrimination, human rights violations, violations of child labor laws. We have incorporated human rights language into our licensing terms, which were supplemented by the Copenhagen Clause in 2019.
Our anti-corruption policy is clearly documented in the code of conduct that employees must sign and comply with. We also require management and employees to act if they observe incidents which may be seen as unlawful or unethical. Employees and external stakeholders are encouraged to raise business integrity concerns through a direct email hotline, which can be found here.
Through energy conservation, we can save costs for security installations and extend the lifespan of their hardware. We also include relevant environmental protection in our partner contracts, and require distributors to comply with local environmental legislation.


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