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Dan Fritsch
President at App-Techs Corp.
What is your background?
Born, raised, and still live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Lancaster is very close to several major metropolitan areas, so it is easy to visit just about anywhere at any time. It would be tough to find a better place to live. Plus, most importantly, most of my family lives nearby. I am very fortunate.
When it comes to business, I have experience in software development on various operating systems. I have extensive experience in web and ERP software development, network security & management, video surveillance systems, access control, fiber-optic and industrial wireless networks.
How long have you worked in collaboration with Milestone?
We (App-Techs personnel) were reselling Milestone XProtect® in 2007 / 2008. However, it may be fair to say that the relationship only began to develop in earnest around 2013 / 2014. I feel like that's about when Milestone began to appreciate its dealers ... and the resources we were investing into making our client installations successful. Given the obvious growing pains that accompany most / all software, our client installations did not always go well. Nevertheless, we remained committed to the platform (XProtect) and Milestone, as it became apparent that Milestone personnel were working hard to resolve software problems and likewise becoming attentive to their dealers. We are most appreciative of the resources which Milestone has invested into its products and dealers.
What excites you the most about being a Dev Champion?
It refers to the above "collaboration" question. Our corporate identity is partially (substantially) defined by our alignment and relationship with Milestone. We have very much appreciated the investments and resources which Milestone has committed to its products ... and toward the support and encouragement of its dealers. Notwithstanding the obvious benefits of maintaining a vibrant dealer channel, the Dev. The champion program seems to reflect an ongoing appreciation, and acknowledgment, of its dealers and integration partners. As such, I am most appreciative of Milestone's recognition.
Fun fact about you:
Who is the real Champion in your life? (could be a real or fictive person)
It is impossible to choose a single Champion. As with just about everyone on the planet, I am a product of the village. Many people qualify as real champions in my life, and in the lives of people around me. Here are a few indisputable champions:
- My mother and father - They’ve provided endless support and encouragement, at home and in business.
- My wife - She always provides freedom and encouragement to do that which needs to be done.
- My friend Phil T. - Among the best of electronics technicians. He taught me much about electronics and computing in general.
What is your favorite programming language? (if you have one, of course)
Much in common with Latin ... C ... On one hand, it is old-school. On the other hand, it is the foundation from which countless operating systems, applications ... and other languages ... have evolved. Notwithstanding its pitfalls, its strengths are many. I like its efficiency, that it is procedural and structured. (Yes, I understand that given the strengths of other more modern languages, C is not necessarily the best platform for solving various given problems.)
What is your dream superpower?
It would be awesome to have the power to eliminate malice from all hearts. That would not solve all the world's problems, but it sure would help.
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