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Our Milestone XProtect® video management software (VMS) supports more than 14,000+ devices, and we’re continuously expanding upon that. Arcules video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) supports 6,000+ devices.
The Milestone Supported Device List includes the licensing information applicable to XProtect 2021 R1 and further versions. For licensing information applicable to older versions of XProtect click here.
The Legacy Device Pack is no longer supported, use at your own risk, Milestone recommends that you use the current Device Packs which are available here.
Milestone does not warrant nor accept liability for the Technology Partner’s devices and their functionality. Milestone only examines the compatibility or the manufactures’ documentation for compatibility with the Milestone XProtect VMS version applied in tests as well as the listed firmware of the device. The use of Milestone drivers downloaded with the Milestone XProtect® Device Pack is governed by the Milestone EULA. Milestone does not warrant nor accept liability for non-Milestone drivers, and your use of non-Milestone drivers is subject to the terms of the licenses defined and provided by the Technology Partners and/or other licensors of the software.