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Metrasens Ultra™ Integration with XProtect
Accurately detect weapons and risk objects and view detections in the XProtect Smart Client
Aktualisiert am Montag, 18. September 2023
Metrasens Ultra™ accurately detects risk objects, weapons and data recording devices, to protect people, property, and sensitive information.
Bridge-to-XProtect (BTX) by App-Techs transforms Metrasens detections into XProtect alarm records with video bookmarks.
Bridge-to-XProtect (BTX) by App-Techs transforms Metrasens detections into XProtect alarm records with video bookmarks.
What is needed
Von App-Techs Corporation
Metrasens Ultra™ devices
Bridge-to-XProtect (BTX)
Von Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
Metrasens Ultra™ Integration with XProtect - Accurately detect weapons and risk objects and view detections in the XProtect Smart Client
App-Techs partners with Metrasens (www.metrasens.com) to provide a real-time integration of the Metrasens Ultra™ advanced detection technology into Milestone XProtect.Metrasens Ultra™ accurately detects risk objects, including weapons, hazardous objects, and data recording devices to protect people, property, and sensitive information.
Practical site applications include schools, corrections, hospitals (MRI screening), hospitality, public buildings, and sporting / entertainment venues.
BTX connects with Metrasens devices and transforms detections into XProtect event and alarm records with Video Bookmarks, and triggers rules, notifications, PTZ presets, live matrix views, and Smart Wall view changes.
The integration monitors the online status of Metrasens devices. Receive device health alerts in XProtect when a device is offline, and automatically reconnect to ensure your system is always active.
BTX brings the safety of Metrasens Ultra™ to your XProtect security ecosystem.
Key features
- ASSOCIATE Metrasens Ultra™ detection alarms to any number of XProtect Cameras and view detection events and alarms in the XProtect Smart Client.
- Define situation-specific, site-specific, device-specific alarm messages so operators know exactly what happened and where it happened.
- TRIGGER XProtect live matrix views, PTZ presets, and user-defined events to automate a pre-configured response across your XProtect system.
- VIEW video bookmarks and search detection metadata for retroactive incident review in the XProtect Smart Client.
- MONITOR the online / offline status of Metrasens Ultra™ devices and receive alerts in XProtect if a device is not providing protection.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Metrasens Integration User Manual | pdf Download (1,42 MB) |
Bridge-to-XProtect User Manual | pdf Download (4,61 MB) |
Von Milestone geprüft
Read verification
Required App-Techs Corporation product(s)
Requires Metrasens Ultra detection devicesand BTX. BTX is broadly compatible with new and older versions of XProtect.
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2023 R2, 06.20 2023
XProtectCorporate2023 R2, 06.20 2023
XProtectExpert2023 R2, 06.20 2023
XProtectEssential+2023 R2, 06.20 2023
XProtectProfessional+2023 R2, 06.20 2023
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2018 R1, 02.20 2018 und später
XProtectCorporate2018 R1, 02.20 2018 und später
XProtectExpert2018 R1, 02.20 2018 und später
XProtectEssential+2018 R1, 02.20 2018 und später
XProtectProfessional+2018 R1, 02.20 2018 und später
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