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DeepAlert XProtect Plugin - False Alarm Filtering
DeepAlert provides AI-powered video analytics to reduce false alarms and improve security operations
Aktualisiert am Mittwoch, 11. September 2024
DeepAlert’s cost-effective AI software reduces false alarms by up to 95%. DeepAlerts plugin is simple to install, easy to set up, and requires minimal maintenance. Specifically designed for seamless integration with Milestone XProtect, it enhances security monitoring with real-time, accurate alerts.
What is needed
Von DeepAlert
DeepAlert Management
.NET Framework 4.7.2
A secure Milestone XProtect installation with certificates installed
A DeepAlert account with API Token
.NET Framework 4.7.2
A secure Milestone XProtect installation with certificates installed
A DeepAlert account with API Token
Von Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect 2022 and higher
How it works
How to install
DeepAlert XProtect Plugin - False Alarm Filtering - DeepAlert provides AI-powered video analytics to reduce false alarms and improve security operations
DeepAlert is an AI-powered video analytics solution designed to significantly reduce false alarms and enhance security monitoring. Ideal for organizations using Milestone XProtect, our software seamlessly integrates through a dedicated plugin, allowing users to configure alerts and video uploads directly within the Milestone environment. The installation is straightforward, requiring minimal setup and maintenance. Once integrated, DeepAlert leverages AI to analyze video feeds, filtering out nuisance alerts and only escalating genuine threats. Users can easily configure parameters such as video upload timing, duration, and event-based rules within the Milestone interface. Additionally, DeepAlert-generated alerts are returned to XProtect as events, enabling further customization through Milestone's rules and triggers. This integration ensures a scalable, reliable, and cost-effective solution for improving security operations while maximizing the value of your existing Milestone XProtectKey features
- False Alarm Filtering - achieve a 95% reduction in false alarms with AI-powered filtering, reduce operator fatigue and enhance focus by escalation.
- Simple installation - easily integrate with Milestone XProtect, utilizing existing events and rules to deliver real-time, AI-driven alerts.
- Customisable Rules - enhance detection capabilities by layering rules for specific scenarios or schedules.
- Enhanced Camera Health - Proactively monitor camera health, identifying issues eg. spider webs, blur, bright light, or raindrops affecting visibility.
- Exclusion and Inclusion zones - define exclusion zones to ignore irrelevant areas, or link specific rules to inclusion zones.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
DeepAlert XProtect Plugin Installation | pdf Download (244,76 KB) |
Von Milestone geprüft
Read verification
Required DeepAlert product(s)
DeepAlert - XProtect V1.0
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2023 R3, 11.14 2023
XProtectCorporate2023 R3, 11.14 2023
XProtectExpert2023 R3, 11.14 2023
XProtectProfessional+2023 R3, 11.14 2023
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2022 R2, 06.13 2022 und später
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06.13 2022 und später
XProtectExpert2022 R2, 06.13 2022 und später
XProtectProfessional+2022 R2, 06.13 2022 und später
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