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Graymatics 1.0
Graymatics Video Analytics
Aktualisiert am Freitag, 17. Juni 2022
The Graymatics software evaluates the contents of video to determine the specific information about the video contents. The product analyzes rapidly the video for specific data, behavior patterns, tracking movement of people/objects in monitoring zones.
What is needed
Von Graymatics
Graymatics 1.0
Von Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
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Customer Stories
Smart City
Traffic and Accident Detection,
Detection of Traffic Infringements
Video Surveillance
Effective traffic management, security in public areas and car park monitoring system.
Smart Retail
Customer tracking, detecting dwell time, total experience time, customer patterns, queue management
How it works
How to install
Graymatics 1.0 - Graymatics Video Analytics
Graymatics is a Video Analytics software product for actionable intelligence in security installations. The Analytics are including City Surveillance, Building Surveillance, Business Intelligence, Loss Prevention, Consumer Behavior Analysis, Monitoring Traffic Flow, Parking Management and more 100 AI use cases.The Graymatics software evaluates the contents of video to determine the specific information about the video contents. The product analyzes rapidly the video for specific data, behavior patterns, tracking movement of people/objects in monitoring zones.
Being an open-platform video analytics solution, Graymatics easily and tightly integrates with Milestone XProtect. Graymatics hardware together with Milestone XProtect a creates a perfect combination for video surveillance and offers solutions that keep people and property safe all all times and places.
Key features
- Graymatics Management client connects to Milestone XProtect and gets video feed
- The analytic rules are set in Graymatics dashboard and started as service
- The alarms are sent to Event server of Milestone XProtect
- Graymatics sends events to Milestone XProtect as well
- Graymatics sends metadata to Milestone XProtect so that it can be seen in Live view
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Installation guide | pdf Download (4,10 MB) |
Von Milestone geprüft
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Required Graymatics product(s)
Graymatics 1.0
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2021 R2, 10.27 2021
XProtectCorporate2021 R2, 10.27 2021
XProtectExpert2021 R2, 10.27 2021
XProtectEssential+2021 R2, 10.27 2021
XProtectProfessional+2021 R2, 10.27 2021
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2021 R2, 10.27 2021 und später
XProtectCorporate2021 R2, 10.27 2021 und später
XProtectExpert2021 R2, 10.27 2021 und später
XProtectEssential+2021 R2, 10.27 2021 und später
XProtectProfessional+2021 R2, 10.27 2021 und später
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