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i-PRO Settings Plug-in for Milestone XProtect

Advanced settings (Standard and Extension Software) for i-PRO cameras with an easy-to-navigate GUI

Aktualisiert am Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024
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Explore more
Software designed for configuration of i-PRO cameras. A list of cameras connected to XProtect is displayed, advanced settings (Standard and Extension Software) that cannot be managed with XProtect can be operated using an easy-to-navigate GUI by checking the images from cameras
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What is needed

Von i-PRO Co., Ltd.

  • i-PRO Camera (with or without extension software)
  • i-PRO Settings Plug-in for Milestone XProtect
i-PRO Settings Plug-in for Milestone XProtect

i-PRO camera extension software
AI Face Detection, AI People Detection, AI Vehicle Detection and others.

Von Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
XProtect® Corporate 2022 R2 or higher

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How it works
How to install

i-PRO Settings Plug-in for Milestone XProtect - Advanced settings (Standard and Extension Software) for i-PRO cameras with an easy-to-navigate GUI

i-PRO Settings Plug-in for Milestone XProtect is a software that is designed to configure settings of i-PRO cameras. Those who designs systems or manages the networks will be benefited by using this smart tool.

Many of the settings for cameras and extension software cannot be controlled in Milestone XProtect. Those settings are required to be managed by 2 steps: first make basic configuration in XProtect Management Client then either camera browsers or i-PRO Configuration Tool is used to further configuration. Separate software must be used.

The problem above is now solved by installing this plug-in, which enables you to seamlessly process advanced settings (Standard and Extension Software). XProtect Management Client is for you to make basic settings. “i-PRO setting” icon on XProtect Management Client will boot the plug-in and provide the advanced setting screen.

Key features

  • Advanced Camera Settings (Standard and Extension Software) that cannot be managed with XProtect
  • Configuration of extension software such as AI Face Detection, AI People Detection and AI Vehicle Detection and etc.


Einsatz Vor Ort
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Von Milestone geprüft Read verification


Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides


Required i-PRO Co., Ltd. product(s)
The latest version of the camera firmware.

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2022 R2, 06.13 2022

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2022 R2, 06.13 2022 und später

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