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Since 2004, Innovatrics has been helping organizations prevent identity fraud using innovative biometric solutions.
Innovatrics has successfully completed over 500 projects in 80 countries, with over a billion people having been biometrically processed using Innovatrics software. With a global...
team of experts, Innovatrics is dedicated to working with partners around the world to deliver powerful identity management solutions.
The company started to use AI deep learning capabilities very early in its lifespan. In 2014 Innovatrics started to offer face recognition technology with its algorithms ranking among the most accurate. The NIST comparison from April 2019 ranked Innovatrics algorithm for face verification in unassisted (so called “wild”) photo dataset the most accurate in the world from over 100 algorithms.
What we do
See how our products and services can help solve your challenges
Awards and recognition
We have been recognized with the following industry award(s)
Located at:
Bratislava, Slovakia