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Lares 4.0 MIP Plugin for Ksenia lares 4.0
This Plugin integrates Ksenia's security panels of the "lares 4.0" family with Milestone Systems.
Aktualisiert am Freitag, 17. Juni 2022
The Lares 4.0 MIP Plugin permits to manage Ksenia's lares 4.0 panels inside XProtect®. It enables to control zones, partitions, outputs and execute scenarious. All interaction can be done throught the icons on the maps or from logical and physical representation of the each panel.
What is needed
Von Ksenia Security S.p.A.
Lares 4.0 MIP Plugin
lares 4.0
lares 4.0 1.74.17 or higher
Von Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
Lares 4.0 MIP Plugin for Ksenia lares 4.0 - This Plugin integrates Ksenia's security panels of the "lares 4.0" family with Milestone Systems.
The Ksenia's plugin adds graphic maps in the workspaces of live and recorded views, video streams, and other elements; it is mostly used for the Alarm workspace, but it can be applied in many other contexts where maps are available. Each category of item has its own set of icons to identify the Operating State (quiet, alarm, fault, disabled, etc.), and commands with relevant contextual menus. Each item has a "Status View" functionality, highlighting the icon on the maps with different colors, thickness, hatching, and flashing speed. The Plugin also manages the "Attention Needed", "Not Operational" and "Disabled" options. All actions and events are logged in the register. The management client permits to configure all items; from the smart client, user is able to send commands to each panel and control the status of all of them. The plugin is based on MIP framework.Key features
- The Plugin is able to completely control, from the Platform where it's installed, a virtually unlimited number of lares 4.0 reachable via the network.
- The Plugin is able to receive from the controlled units whatever happens on the relevant system, as well as send all the commands allowed to the User.
- The Plugin is always active, so when the user connects, he receives all the information of what happened when the system was unattended.
- If changes are made to the configurations of a security panel, automatically it notifies the event with a dedicated message.
- It offers 2 features that interact separately with the User: the Management of the Graphic Maps and of Events & System Elements (dedicated workspace).
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
INSTALLATION GUIDE KS_lares 4.0 MIP Plugin Rev. | pdf Download (80,61 KB) |
Administrator Manual MIP Plugin lares 4.0 | pdf Download (2,02 MB) |
User Manual MIP Plugin lares 4.0 | pdf Download (1,79 MB) |
Von Milestone geprüft
Read verification
Required Ksenia Security S.p.A. product(s)
Lares 4.0 MIP Plugin
lares 4.0 control panel family - from firmware release 1.74.17
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2020 R3, 11.12 2020
XProtectCorporate2020 R3, 11.12 2020
XProtectExpert2020 R3, 11.12 2020
XProtectProfessional+2020 R3, 11.12 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2020 R2, 06.09 2020 und später
XProtectCorporate2020 R2, 06.09 2020 und später
XProtectExpert2020 R2, 06.09 2020 und später
XProtectProfessional+2020 R2, 06.09 2020 und später
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