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Smart parking management with cameras and AI
Parquery analyses images from any camera to detect vehicles and provide real-time parking results.
Aktualisiert am Mittwoch, 22. November 2023
Parquery analyses images from any camera to detect any object.
Its smart parking solution provides real-time answers to:
1) Where are vacant parking spots right now?
2) Who leaves his vehicle more than 2h? 3h? all day?
3) Which type of vehicle is currently parked: truck, van, car, motorcycle?
Its smart parking solution provides real-time answers to:
1) Where are vacant parking spots right now?
2) Who leaves his vehicle more than 2h? 3h? all day?
3) Which type of vehicle is currently parked: truck, van, car, motorcycle?
What is needed
Von Parquery
Parquery Plugin 1.0
Parquery Plugin 1.0
Von Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect Corporate 2020 R1
Featured content
Customer Stories
Truck Parking - Ohio's Trucking Transformation
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) uses Parquery on their rest areas.
Indoor parking guidance with fisheye cameras
Combining fisheye cameras, Parquery's AI, and digital guidance panels for a winning solution.
Parquery's parking solution helps enforcement
"This service has improved the work efficiency of police assistants"
Parquery's solution reduces traffic jams
Parquery’s solution was easy to deploy, and combined a high accuracy with a low deployment cost.
How it works
How to install
Smart parking management with cameras and AI - Parquery analyses images from any camera to detect vehicles and provide real-time parking results.
Parquery's AI-powered software solutions detect vehicles, people, and objects in footage from any camera and provides real-time answers to:1) Where are current available parking spots?
2) Who leaves his vehicle more than 2h? 3h? all day?
3) How to optimise dynamic pricing?
4) Where are bottlenecks? Analysis of mobility flows.
Parking guidance, enforcement, parking business intelligence and analytics - powered by Parquery's Artificial Intelligence. You only need cameras, power and connectivity. Parquery takes care of the rest. If you have got cameras already installed, no additional infrastructure is needed and we can get started right away.
Created in 2014 as an official spin-off from ETH Zürich Switzerland, Parquery currently operates more than 100 projects in over 30 countries worldwide.
Key features
- Where are available parking spots? Parquery gives you real-time results on parking availability.
- How long is each vehicle parked for? Parquery provides real-time duration of each vehicle parked.
- Has someone parked longer than he paid for? Or is he parked on an unauthorized spot? Parquery sends real-time alerts sent to parking managers.
- How is my parking lot used? Parquery provides an interactive dashboard to analyse behaviours: inflows, outflows, peak hours, mean duration, etc.
- How can I use parking data? Parquery provides structured analytics, reports, and allows users to download all data for future analysis.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Parquery Technical Guide | pdf Download (2,67 MB) |
Von Milestone geprüft
Read verification
Required Parquery product(s)
Parquery Plugin 1.0
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02.11 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02.11 2020 und später
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