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Secure Logiq Ltd
Secure Logiq are the industry’s leading independent manufacturer of IT hardware optimised for HD Surveillance applications.
Manufactured in the UK, our range consists of the industry’s highest throughput and highest storage density servers, award-winning Analytics Optimised Servers and our VMS...
optimised client machines.
We are a Milestone Technology Partner and with two trained MCDE (Milestone Certified Design Engineer) on the Technical
and Design teams and vast knowledge of the product our extensive testing means that we are able to transform Milestone
hardware designs; by using the latest components available we offer a significant reduction in rackspace, power and most
importantly cost whilst still offering our unparalleled Design Guarantee.
We are the engine behind mission critical and Fault Tolerant Milestone installations in Data Centres, Universities, Airports
and Government institutions to name a few. Indeed, we are the hardware behind the new Milestone UK experience centre.
What we do
See how our products and services can help solve your challenges
Awards and recognition
We have been recognized with the following industry award(s)
Other certifications
Located at:
Vereinigtes Königreich
Tramsheds Industrial Estate, Coomber Way, Croydon CR0 4TQ, UK
Vereinigtes Königreich
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