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SIPazon AB

SIPazon is a global leader in critical communication systems, offering innovative AMS products for integrated intercom and public address solutions. Designed for a wide range of applications, SIPazon supports everything from simple, small-scale door entry intercom setups to highly complex and demand

SIPazon is built on the legacy of JNT, a leading Swedish communication solutions provider established in 1990. Over the years, JNT has successfully completed over 1,500 major projects worldwide, delivering complex and reliable communication solutions.

SIPazon leverages more than 35 years of
... experience and knowledge, channeling it into innovative AMS solutions that aim to shift the paradigm of critical communication. With a proven track record of excellence, JNT also pioneered the global concept of SaaS, or "Security as a Service," over 30 years ago, laying the groundwork for industry innovation.

Where We Are Going
With over 35 years of expertise as our foundation, SIPazon is dedicated to transforming critical communication by developing cutting-edge products and solutions. Our mission is to redefine the industry through the introduction of the first-ever AMS designed specifically for Intercom and Public Address systems, leading the way in integrated SIP communication technology.

SIPazon AB
Technology Partner
Technology Partner
Milestone Partner Program Tier


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SIPazon AB

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Lejonvägen 14, 181 32 Lidingö, Sweden
SIPazon AB
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