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LES video - NVR20 | Thomas-Krenn.AG

The LES video – NVR20 is ideal for vehicle installation for up to 20 cameras.

Aktualisiert am Freitag, 18. November 2022
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Explore more
The LES video – NVR20 is a network video recorder, up to 20 cameras, which is specially designed and verified for the surveillance software Milestone XProtect and is ideal for vehicle installation.
Technology Partner
Von Milestone geprüft
Bis zu < 20
What is needed

Von Thomas-Krenn.AG

  • LES video - NVR20

Von Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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How it works
How to install

LES video - NVR20 | Thomas-Krenn.AG - The LES video – NVR20 is ideal for vehicle installation for up to 20 cameras.

The LES video – NVR20 is a network video recorder which is specially designed and verified for the surveillance software Milestone XProtect and is ideal for vehicle installation.

With the NVR recorder, up to 20 Cameras can be managed simultaneously. The server system contains an Intel Core i3-7100U CPU, up to 32 GB RAM (2 DIMMs) and up to 15 TB storage.

Key features

  • Inkl. Intel Core i3-7100U
  • Compact, fanless server for vehicle installation
  • 2x 2.5" up to 15 TB
  • E-Mark certified
  • 4G, GPS, G-Sensor
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Von Milestone geprüft Read verification


Required Thomas-Krenn.AG product(s)
LES video - NVR20 V1.0

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02.11 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02.11 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10.08 2019 und später
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 01.01 0001 und später

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