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Vintra Fortify
AI-powered video analytics that turn any video into actionable, tailored and trusted intelligence.
Aktualisiert am Mittwoch, 7. September 2022
Integrated within Milestone XProtect, Vintra Fortify is an enterprise-grade software solution makes existing security cameras – whether fixed or mobile – smarter and improves how organizations and governments automatically monitor and search video for critical security and safety events.
What is needed
Von Vintra, Inc.
Vintra Plugin for XProtect 1.0.0
Von Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Corporate 2021 R2
Corporate 2021 R1
Corporate 2021 R1
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Vintra_Healthcare Case Study
AI-Powered Video Analytics For a Forward Thinking Healthcare Provider.
Vintra Fortify + Milestone Overview
2pg Overview of our Integrated Solution
How it works
How to install
Vintra Fortify - AI-powered video analytics that turn any video into actionable, tailored and trusted intelligence.
Integrated within Milestone XProtect and accessible via a tab in the XProtect user interface, Vintra Fortify is a purpose-built video intelligence solution that makes any existing security camera -- whether fixed or mobile -- smarter, with accurate critical-event alerts, lightning-fast video search and endless integration capabilities.It utilizes off-the-shelf hardware, can be deployed in a multitude of ways and is supported by a network of world-class partners as an integrated solution for campuses, critical infrastructure and government security use cases.
This solution brings leading-edge, AI-powered video analytics to XProtect, creating a unique advantage for Milestone VMS users. Not only can Milestone users benefit from Vintra's award-winning AI technology, this partnership enables a host of new use cases, such as the ability to Re-ID an individual across multiple cameras and the ability to use the metadata generated across the camera infrastructure as business intelligence.
Key features
- Vintra Prevent, our real-time video solution, automatically indexes video streams, features accurate event alerting and instant search.
- Vintra Investigate is used by dedicated post-event teams that undertake mission-critical, laborious review of already-recorded video.
- Works with any video -- live or recorded, fixed or mobile
- Lightning fast object and event search, featuring best-in-class accuracy using less hardware than other approaches.
- Re-identifies potential threats across multiple disparate cameras within your facility
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Vintra XProtect Install Guide | pdf Download (184,51 KB) |
Von Milestone geprüft
Read verification
Required Vintra, Inc. product(s)
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2021 R1, 06.29 2021
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2021 R1, 06.29 2021 und später
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