Seguimos aprendiendo su idioma
Estamos trabajando para que todas las páginas de estén disponibles en tantos idiomas como sea posible. Aun así, este proceso lleva tiempo. Muchas de nuestras funciones están en varios idiomas. Sin embargo, algunas páginas, como esta, aún no están disponibles en su idioma.
Muchas gracias por su comprensión.
Your anonymity is guaranteed, and you can report without fear of retaliation. Together, we can safeguard ethical practices and foster accountability.
If you are a Milestone employee:
Discuss with your leader: Employees with serious concerns are encouraged to first discuss such matters first with their managers or appropriate personnel such as the local HR department, local finance manager or the country manager.
Take action: If you are uncomfortable discussing the incident with your leader, or if no action is taken after your discussion, you may report your concern via the Whistleblower Portal.

Submitting a report
Make a report
We encourage you to supply contact details as it may help our investigation to understand your relationship with Milestone. After reporting, it is the reporter’s responsibility to follow up via the Whistleblower Portal’s secure communication channel.
Once a report is submitted
The report will be recorded and received in the 3rd party whistleblower hotline system. Milestone’s Case Manager will assess if the report is within scope to investigate. If the report is within scope, then the report will proceed through an investigation under the responsibility of VP of Legal & Compliance for further processing. If the report is not considered to be within scope, then the reporter will be informed by the Case Manager.
Case resolution:
The Case Manager will address all reported incidents – considering the seriousness and credibility of the concern/issue to determine the appropriate action. Some complaints or concerns may be resolved without investigation. The reporter will receive feedback on the status of the investigation of the report within the secure communication portal as soon as possible. When the investigation has been closed the reporter will also be provided information on how the concern raised has been addressed.
If any individual believes they have been subjected to such retaliation, that person is encouraged to report the situation as soon as possible to their Milestone manager, Regional People & Culture Business Partner or Milestone Compliance. A report regarding retaliation is handled by Regional People & Culture and Milestone Compliance and such report is treated in the same way as any other report.
Persons who knowingly make false reports or who otherwise abuse the system will face disciplinary action.
Milestone Systems Modern Slavery Statement