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Zero Trust Networking for XProtect solutions
The integrated solution that simplify networking, enhance performance and network protection
Actualizada el jueves, 13 de marzo de 2025
The unique networking security solution that creates covert, secure connections while minimising complexity and cost. The ideal choice for organisations looking to upgrade Milestone VMS systems to robust protection, efficient performance, simplified operations and meet compliance.
What is needed
SElink™ Gateway
Network Configuration and Management Software
SElink Agent Software
SElink™ Gateway (Virtual) Software for VM
for Virtual Machine / Private / Public Cloud (#LKVG-00-0320)
Network Configuration Software + Licence (#LKSW-C1-1021)
Management Suite Software + Licence (#LKSW-M1-0721)
SElink™ Agent Software + License for Users/Workstation (# LCEP-00-0721)
SElink™ Agent Software + M2M Licence for Workstation or Device (#LCEP-M0-0923 )
for Virtual Machine / Private / Public Cloud (#LKVG-00-0320)
Network Configuration Software + Licence (#LKSW-C1-1021)
Management Suite Software + Licence (#LKSW-M1-0721)
SElink™ Agent Software + License for Users/Workstation (# LCEP-00-0721)
SElink™ Agent Software + M2M Licence for Workstation or Device (#LCEP-M0-0923 )
Desde Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect Essential+ 2024 R1
XProtect Smart Client 2024 R1
XProtect Management Client 2024 R1
XProtect Smart Client 2024 R1
XProtect Management Client 2024 R1
Featured content
Customer Stories
Secure Remote Access to Cameras and Milestone VMS
Featuring the implementation of XProtect and SElink to a Construction Site Video Surveillance System
How it works
How to install
Zero Trust Networking for XProtect solutions - The integrated solution that simplify networking, enhance performance and network protection
SElink is a versatile solution for secure, high-performance networking. It replaces traditional VPNs, using Zero Trust access controls and continuous monitoring to block fake data streams. It removes the need for Public IPs or dedicated SIM plans, simplifying network segmentation without altering existing infrastructure. SElink enforces unidirectional, simultaneous data flows and isolates streams at the application level for maximum security. It ensures stability, performance, and availability, while offering seamless integration for fast deployment. With enhanced visibility and auditing capabilities, SElink supports compliance and accountability, making it ideal for applications like IP video surveillance and critical infrastructure.Key features
- FREE from VPN (SSL/TLS) Limitations - Multiple Concurrent Service Connections - ZERO Overhead in Bandwidth - Lightweight - Multidimension authenticate
- NETWORK LOCKDOWN - No Open Inbound ports on Servers - No Public IPs on endpoints and severs Service-isolation from theInternet and Internal Networks
- STABLE and FASTER CONNECTIONS - Automatic Session Recovery On Poor Networks - Anti-Traffic Shaping With Non-Evident Headers
- EFFICIENT NETWORKS - Smart bandwidth usage - Supports C2C topology - Low on network requirements - Flat network architectures - Unified Management
- CYBER RESILIENCE - Zero Encryption Overhead - Micro-segmentation with data diode - Post-Quantum ready - No lateral movements and insider threats
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
SElink - Milestone XProtect Essential+ Installation Guide | pdf Download (737,71 KB) |
Verificada por Milestone
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Required BLU5 VIEW PTE. LTD. product(s)
SElink™ Gateway (Virtual) Software for VM / Private / Public Cloud v. 1.2.10
Management Suite Software v. 1.8.2
SElink™ Agent Software for Users/Workstation v 1.9.3
SElink™ Agent Software M2M for Workstation or Device v. 1.9.2 - v. 1.9.3
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectCorporate2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectExpert2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectEssential+2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectProfessional+2024 R2, 11/07 2024
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
XProtectCorporate2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
XProtectExpert2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
XProtectEssential+2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
XProtectProfessional+2023 R1, 03/07 2023 y posteriores
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