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AI-based Intelligent Video Analytic S/W Solutions
Our Video & Sound analytics solution works with IP camera &VMS for Surveillance & real-time alerting
Desde IVS Inc.
Intelligent Video Analytics Solution
2. License for VA S/W
3. Decided VA server H/W with nVIDIA GPU available
(H/W spec. vary according to the analytic capacity. Exact H/W spec provided to partners/clients. So, it can be purchased at the local electronic shop which is faster and facilitate warranty claim if)
(This VA Engine can be installed on the dedicated server on the backend of monitoring for the 20+ real-time situation analytic algorithms such as fire, smoke, intrusion, violence, etc. We provide UI for selecting CCTV feed and set VA, such as ROI Zone, Line drawing, loitering time, tuning the event detection sensitivity, etc. User can apply multiple analytics on single CCTV feed simultaneously)
Desde Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
2. License for VMS
3. VMS Server H/W
Featured content
AI-based Intelligent Video Analytic S/W Solutions - Our Video & Sound analytics solution works with IP camera &VMS for Surveillance & real-time alerting
IVS' Intelligent Video Analytics is a verified solution by Milestone for its superb compatibility with XProtect VMS. With our seamless integration with a global leading VMS, we are able to fulfill any specific security and surveillance needs of clients from various fields of businesses, regardless of the concerns oversized, complexity, or location requirements.MERITS:
Our state-of-the-art video analytics solution features a wide range of functions in four applicable sectors, which are Security(intrusion, violence, loitering, theft, fall down, etc.), Surveillance(fire, smoke, water level, etc.), Privacy Protection (masking, encryption), Marketing or others(counting, heatmap, waiting for line, tracking, smart archive search). For the past decade, our solution has been deployed in over 4,000 national projects and private businesses with clients ranging from central government agencies, local governments such as Seoul Metropolitan City to Incheon International Airport, LG, Samsung, etc.
Key features
- High object recognition rate by top-notch deep-learning algorithms.
- Size, speed, and color classification for identified objects.
- Adjustable algorithm sensitivity levels for site-specific optimization.
- Adjustable algorithm for each connected IP camera.
- Adjustable detection parameters for different objects(human, vehicle, color, speed, size).
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Milestone_Integration_Solution_Installation_Guide | pdf Download (2,05 MB) |
UseSimulatorCamera | pdf Download (669,09 KB) |
Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Title | Installer Guide | Installer Software |
pdf Download (2,05 MB) | N/A Download |
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2019 R2, 06/19 2019
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2019 R2, 06/19 2019 y posteriores
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