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ProHawk Vision for Milestone

ProHawk Vision patented automated environmental restoration algorithms optimize AI..

Actualizada el jueves, 20 de octubre de 2022
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Explore more
Significant AI milestones in object identification and tracking have occurred, but researchers are discovering that real-world environments pose real-world challenges. Rain, fog, snow, haze, dirt, sand, smoke, sun glare, light and darkness are some of the factors causing AI systems to fail.
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What is needed

Desde ProHawk Technology Group

  • ProHawk Vision for Milestone
  • ProHawk Vision Server
  • ProHawk Vision
ProHawk Vision for Milestone 6.0.1

Desde Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
  • Milestone XProtect
  • Milestone XProtect
XProtect Essentials 2017 or higher
XProtect Essentials+ 2017 or higher
XProtect Express 2017 or higher
XProtect Express+ 2017 or higher
XProtect Professional 2017 or higher
XProtect Professional+ 2017 or higher
XProtect Expert 2017 or higher
XProtect Corporate 2017 or higher
XProtect Enterprise 2017 or higher

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Customer Stories
Curios What The Details in the Shroud Reveal?
This article discusses the finding of using ProHawk Vision on the STERA photograph of the Shroud.
Security in Challenging Outdoor Environments
How a major utility company dramatically enhanced usability and reliability of their existing system

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How it works
How to install

ProHawk Vision for Milestone - ProHawk Vision patented automated environmental restoration algorithms optimize AI..

The ProHawk® Vision for Milestone consists of the ProHawk Vision XProtect Smart Client Plug-in. The ProHawk Milestone XProtect Smart Client Plugin directly integrates ProHawk Vision computer vision restoration within Milestone XProtect Smart Client user interface.

ProHawk Vision Milestone XProtect Smart Client Plugin receives video from a recorded Milestone Server camera, or a Milestone XProtect VMS Server to improve. ProHawk Vision provides an automatic restoration along with various preset and detailed restoration parameters that can be changed by accessing the

ProHawk Vision Plugin in the Milestone XProtect Smart Client. Automatic and One-Click filter preset radio buttons assist users in clarifying challenging visual conditions. ProHawk Vision advanced filters settings allow users to adjust the ProHawk parameters individually. These are specific adjustments that may have an impact on details to be revealed.

Key features

  • Real-Time Computer Vision Restoration in as low as 2ms Processing Latency to Dramatically Improve Secure Live Video with No Video Lag or Frame Skip.
  • Visibility in the Broadest Set of Environmental Conditions With Automatic Computer Vision Restoration to Enhance Visual Quality to Identify Issues.
  • Patented Visibility in Degraded Visual Environments Achieves High Image Sensitivity, Fine Level of Details, Natural Color, Noise & Motion Reduction
  • Significantly Improve Object Recognition and Faster First Frame of Detection Enables Optimized Event Detection, Object Tracking & Perimeter Security.
  • ProHawk Vision Improves More Than Poor Color Optical Camera Streams, It Increases the Coverage Range and Accuracy of Thermal Sensors by 300%.
How it works

How to install


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Required ProHawk Technology Group product(s)
The ProHawk Vision for Milestone includes and requires the following external libraries: • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) runtime • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Redistributable • NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit v11.2 • OpenCV library

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2019 R2, 06/19 2019
  • XProtect
    2019 R2, 06/19 2019
  • XProtect
    2019 R2, 06/19 2019
  • XProtect
    2019 R2, 06/19 2019
  • XProtect
    2019 R2, 06/19 2019

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 01/01 0001 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2018 R1, 02/20 2018 y posteriores

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