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Vess A8120
Recording, management, analytics. All in one.
Actualizada el miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025
The industry-leading combination of PROMISE Vess Series for Milestone innovative video technology accelerates faster decision making by giving partners and clients the ability to rapidly deployment and achieve faster time-to-value across solutions, while significantly reducing TCO.
What is needed
Desde PROMISE Technology, Inc.
Vess A8120
Vess A8120
Vess A8120
Vess A8120 is a 1U 4-bay rack mounted hardware solution that enables storage capacity scalable to be easily scaled up using additional storage hardware. The PROMISE Technology system “Vess A8120” pass the Milestone Hardware verification
Desde Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect Product used: XProtect Corporate 2023 R3
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4208 CPU @ 2.10GHz (16 CPUs), ~2.1GHz
System Model and Manufacturer: 1U2FH-4L/C622, ASRockRack
Windows Edition and Build: Windows Server 2019 Standard 64-bit (10.0, Build 17763) (17763.rs5_release.180914-1434)
Memory: 16 GB RAM
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4208 CPU @ 2.10GHz (16 CPUs), ~2.1GHz
System Model and Manufacturer: 1U2FH-4L/C622, ASRockRack
Windows Edition and Build: Windows Server 2019 Standard 64-bit (10.0, Build 17763) (17763.rs5_release.180914-1434)
Memory: 16 GB RAM
How it works
How to install
Vess A8120 - Recording, management, analytics. All in one.
ScalableVess A8120 is a 1U 4-bay rack mounted hardware solution that enables storage capacity scalable to be easily scaled up using additional storage hardware. PROMISE Vess R3600 and Vess J3600 have been certified and tested with Vess A8120. Vess R3600 and up to 12 Vess J3600 JBODs could add capacity of up to 208 HDDs to a Vess A8120 deployment.
Built for Surveillance
Vess A8120 is the successor of the best selling Vess A6120 Series, recognized in the industry for operating reliability and performance in surveillance projects worldwide. For most of those years, PROMISE has worked closely with Milestone to incorporate storage management features into the XProtect VMS.
Verified by Milestone
PROMISE’s Vess storage solution was one of the first IT infrastructure solutions to be verified by Milestone for interoperability with XProtect® Corporate VMS 2022 R2. The Vess A8120 is compatible with the Milestone XProtect version applied in the testing environment.
Key features
- Rack-mount 1U form factor with dual CPU platform design.
- Throughput of up to 1000 Mbit/s achievable with additional PROMISE storage hardware (Vess R3600).
- Storage Server with multiple deployment options: Management Server / Recording Server / IVA (Intelligent Video Analytics) Server.
- Built from bottom up for surveillance ecosystem for top VMS vendors.
- Cybersecurity vigilance and perpetual rigorous security testing. Strict adherence to Secure SDCL, Open Source Security, and NDAA compliance are built-
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Vess A8120 Product Manual | pdf Download (7,79 MB) |
Vess A8120 : Multiple-Purpose Platform Designed For IVA And NVR | pdf Download (4,65 MB) |
Verificada por Milestone
Read verification
Required PROMISE Technology, Inc. product(s)
Vess A8120 for Milestone System Builder Program
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06/13 2022
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06/13 2022 y posteriores
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