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T.react CIP

World leading Software and Radars for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Actualizada el viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022
Proporcionado por Terma A/S Contáctenos
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T.react CIP is the fastest and most precise way of detecting, identifying, and tracking both internal and external perimeter threats in areas where business continuation is a matter of national importance.
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What is needed

Desde Terma A/S

  • T.react CIP Corporate
  • T.react CIP Entry
  • T.react CIP Milestone Plugin 3.1.3 or later.
Both T.react CIP Corporate and Entry is using the T.react CIP Milestone plugin 3.1.3 or later.

Desde Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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How it works
How to install

T.react CIP - World leading Software and Radars for Critical Infrastructure Protection

With T.react CIP, you get total coverage of large areas. Both outside and inside your perimeter. This is possible due to a system that is engineered to analyze and fuse overlapping data from multiple detection sensors and cameras. T.react CIP provides a single coherent picture of activity in your entire area.

T.react CIP is designed to be the most advanced intelligent wide area perimeter detection security solution. A system which provides maximum levels of security, situational awareness and control of your external environment, regardless of size.

T.react CIP is built on Milestone XProtect and the MIP SDK. This integration ensures a high degree of automation and that operational tasks are simplified to the extent where the operator does not need to know about cameras and sensors, as T.react CIP selects the relevant Milestone cameras based on sensor input. The combined products provide a full Command and Control (C2 to C4) solution utilizing Milestone.

Key features

  • Automatic wide area threat detection, tracking, and identification
  • Simultaneous handling of both internal and external threats
  • Scalable from smaller installations to border size solutions
  • Proven technology built on 60+ years of experience working in the harshest environments
  • Fusion & correlation of data from multiple sensors including radars
How it works

How to install


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Required Terma A/S product(s)
T.react CIP Corporate or T.react CIP Entry and for wide area protection one of our SCANTER radars. Both T.react CIP Corporate and Entry works with the T.react CIP Milestone plugin 3.1.3 or later. T.react CIP works with older versions of Milestone back to Milestone 2014 but is typically released with the latest Milestone release.

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021
  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06/29 2021

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2017 R2, 06/08 2017 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2016 R2, 06/01 2016 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2014, 05/21 2014 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 01/01 0001 y posteriores
  • XProtect
    2017 R2, 06/08 2017 y posteriores

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