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Automates content migration from aging XProtect deployments to new on-prem or cloud infrastructure.
Actualizada el miércoles, 29 de enero de 2025
XPort automates XProtect content migration workflows, vastly cutting costs and saving time and resources. One no longer needs to painfully copy devices, roles, views, and numerous settings between end-of-life and new hardware. XPort is also the only solution that supports site amalgamation.
What is needed
Desde Vega Systems Inc.
Desde Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
XPort - Automates content migration from aging XProtect deployments to new on-prem or cloud infrastructure.
At XProtect deployments, the need to migrate content from SQL and Media databases often arises between different hardware/software platforms. Migration can include moving a deployment from outdated hardware to new infrastructure, consolidating multiple XProtect implementations into a single site, or even some complex workflow that retains specific hardware while replacing others.These migrations demand significant expertise, often leading to costly and time-consuming manual efforts for system integrators.
We introduce XPort — the only solution designed to streamline this process. XPort automates the migration, vastly reducing costs and saving time and resources while ensuring a seamless transition. XPort delivers automation by integrating into different flavors and versions of XProtect through the XProtect MIP SDK, enabling it to read content from one deployment and write into another.
Key features
- Migration Made Simple - There’s no need to restore databases or edit XML or configuration files—XPort does all the heavy lifting.
- Customizable, Precision Migration - XPort’s API-based approach offers precise control over migration content.
- Universal XProtect Compatibility - XPort is designed to work seamlessly with every flavor of XProtect, even legacy e-code versions.
- Many-to-one migrations - Migrate from many source databases to one destination database.
- One-to-many migrations - Migrate from one source database to multiple destination databases.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
User Manual | pdf Download (18,22 MB) |
XPort Data Sheet | pdf Download (1,61 MB) |
Verificada por Milestone
Read verification
Required Vega Systems Inc. product(s)
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectCorporate2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectExpert2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectEssential+2024 R2, 11/07 2024
XProtectProfessional+2024 R2, 11/07 2024
HuskyIVO150D, 04/27 2021
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 y posteriores
XProtectCorporate1.5, 02/02 2007 y posteriores
XProtectExpert2013, 05/21 2013 y posteriores
XProtectEssential+2019 R3, 01/01 0001 y posteriores
XProtectProfessional+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 y posteriores
HuskyIVO150D, 04/27 2021 y posteriores
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