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ZeroEyes' Real-Time Weapons Detection Technology

Stop Threats at First Sight Not First Shot

Actualizada el viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022
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ZeroEyes’ AI weapons detection platform is one component of an organization’s multi-tiered security approach. Our software integrates with an organization’s existing camera systems and video analytics to detect weapons in real time.
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  • DeepZero

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  • Milestone XProtect
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ZeroEyes' Pittsburg HS Active Shooter Drills
A case study of an active shooter & first responder drill at South Pittsburg High School, TN.
ZeroEyes Rancocas Valley HS Active Shooter Drills
A white paper outlining the results of a series of active shooter drills at Rancocas Valley HS in NJ

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How it works
How to install

ZeroEyes' Real-Time Weapons Detection Technology - Stop Threats at First Sight Not First Shot

ZeroEyes focuses only on the essential information needed to stop a threat.

If ZeroEyes detects a gun, an alert with the image of the weapon goes to the ZeroEyes monitoring team. Once positively identified, an alert is sent to a local emergency dispatch (such as a 911 call center), onsite security staff, police and school administrators (via mobile and desktop). This process takes three to five seconds and bypasses the traditional dispatch process.

ZeroEyes’ software uses AI and computer vision, integrating with existing 3D satellite maps of a building so that as a visible weapon passes a camera, the map lights up. This allows first responders to know the precise location of a threat.

By seeing exactly where a shooter(s) is in real time, security personnel can lock doors, move people to safety and enact other aspects of their security process, while first responders can go towards the shooter much faster with the knowledge of how many and what kinds of weapons the person has.

Key features

  • Exclusive focus on weapons detection. ZeroEyes' proprietary technology excels at identifying visible weapons and delivering alerts in real-time.
  • Extensive military experience totaling over 50 years. Our monitoring people have been in active shooter situations and know what first responders need
  • Proprietary, real-world, comprehensive datasets. We use a labor-intensive, trial-and-error process involving testing, rather than online footage.
  • Custom training and collaboration with customers and first responders. We partner with 911 dispatch and conduct extensive drills before installation.
  • Our technology dramatically improves response times. During active shooter drills, we saw a significant reduction in 911 dispatch response times.

Area of practice

Detección / Disuasión
How it works

How to install


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Required ZeroEyes Inc product(s)
Milestone XProtect Smart Client 2020 R2

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06/09 2020 y posteriores

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