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Arcules-XProtect Hybrid VMS Solution
Functionality meets scalability with Arcules-XProtect Hybrid VMS Solution
Modifié le jeudi 16 juin 2022
Arcules-XProtect integrates cloud-based VSaaS with Milestone XProtect hybrid on-premise video management software (VMS) to deliver a powerful solution for organizations looking to centralize their dispersed video surveillance operation.
What is needed
De Arcules Inc.
Arcules-XProtect Hybrid VMS Solution
Arcules Connector Plugin 1.0
Arcules ARC2 Gateway
Arcules Channel Subscription
Arcules ARC2 Gateway
Arcules Channel Subscription
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect Corporate 2020R1
Featured content
Customer Stories
Laton Unified School District Keeps Kids Safe
Laton Unified School District Keeps Kids Safe with Modern Surveillance from Arcules.
WISG Improves Surveillance Reliability
Arcules’ cloud-based surveillance platform immediately saves WISG $20,000 in capital expenditures.
Renown Health Secures Mobile COVID-19 Test Center
We would eventually like to migrate the entire system to a purely cloud-based VMS.
WeWork Migrates their VMS to the Cloud.
By migrating WeWork’s VMS from on premise to cloud we saved them $1.4 million
How it works
How to install
Arcules-XProtect Hybrid VMS Solution - Functionality meets scalability with Arcules-XProtect Hybrid VMS Solution
Arcules Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) integrated with XProtect on-premise video management software (VMS) to deliver a powerful hybrid solution for organizations looking to centralize their dispersed video surveillance operation.With cloud architecture at its core, and leveraging on Milestone Interconnect™ technology, the solution combines Arcules cloud service’s seamless scalability and purchase flexibility with XProtect’s strong native capabilities, and provides uniform access to live video, recordings and alarms across all cameras and sites via XProtect Smart Client, XProtect Smart Wall and the web and mobile clients.
Arcules XProtect allows businesses to deploy remote sites fast and with minimum downtime and IT resources needed, without compromising on powerful video surveillance throughout the entire system.
In addition, businesses can benefit from automatic updates and compatibility between sites, enterprise-grade infrastructure built on Google Cloud Platform.
Key features
- Authenticated access to Arcules VSaaS cloud from XProtect Corporate using Milestone Interconnect™
- Ability to connect Arcules device groups by location in XProtect
- Navigate and view Arcules camera groups by site/ location in XProtect
- Populated video timeline helps operators in the XProtect system navigate and playback recordings kept in the Arcules cloud service
- Create and sync alarms in XProtect
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Arcules-XProtect Hybrid Solution Installation Guide 2012_02-12 | pdf Download (2,68 MB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Arcules Inc. product(s)
Arcules VSaaS Subscription
Arcules ARC2 Gateway
Arcules Connector Plug-in 1.0
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02/11 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
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