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Bosch Gun Detection + AI Alarm Verification

Use Bosch cameras that are designed to detect guns-in-hand and combine with AI alarm verification.

Modifié le mercredi 25 septembre 2024
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Explore more
Select Bosch cameras (equipped with IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection) are designed to detect firearms in XProtect®. In addition, Bosch AI Alarm Verification can be used, for specialized AI models in the cloud that verify camera alarms. Install the Bosch plugin to seamlessly use both within XProtect®.
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What is needed

De Bosch Security and Safety Systems

  • Bosch Compatible Camera
  • Bosch MVC-IVA-VGD* and CBS-AAV-VGD*
  • Bosch AI Alarm Verification Plug-in
* Bosch MVC-IVA-VGD represents Bosch IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection camera license. Please check with your local Bosch sales contact to find out which Bosch cameras are compatible with this license.

* Bosch CBS-AAV-VGD represents a Bosch cloud license per camera per annum for complementary AI Alarm Verification.

De Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
In case you want to use "Emergency Alert" in Milestone XProtect® Mobile Client, Milestone Care is a prerequisite.

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How it works
How to install

Bosch Gun Detection + AI Alarm Verification - Use Bosch cameras that are designed to detect guns-in-hand and combine with AI alarm verification.

Bosch cameras are designed to detect brandished firearms, and visualize those detections in XProtect®. No additional server equipment or camera calibration is needed. All you need (apart from XProtect®) is a compatible Bosch camera equipped with Bosch IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection (order: MVC-IVA-VGD).

For even higher accuracy, Bosch offers additional AI Alarm Verification through XProtect® and a Bosch-managed cloud-instance. This cloud deploys specialized AI models to further verify camera-triggered alarms within seconds. This will result in even higher detection accuracy and very little unwanted alarms. All verifications are being logged in XProtect®, while the system operator gets way less unwanted alarms. For this solution, you need an additional annual Bosch cloud license (order: CBS-AAV-VGD) per camera, and the Bosch plug-in offered on this page.

Bosch IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection and Bosch AI Alarm Verification for Visual Gun Detection might not be available in all countries.

Key features

  • Designed to detect brandished firearms by using Bosch camera analytics, Milestone XProtect and (optionally) Bosch AI Alarm Verification in the cloud.
  • XProtect® configuration allows to visualize the (verified) gun alarms by placing a bounding box around the occurrence.
  • No additional server equipment needed. Processing happens exclusively on the camera and -optionally- in the cloud (when using AI Alarm Verification).
  • Use Milestone's "Emergency Alert" feature in the Mobile Client for emergency decision-making while on-the-go. Ideal for key staff in a building.
  • When using IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection standalone, all computations are carried out on-edge, with no video data being required to leave the camera.
How it works

Download trial

Bosch AI Alarm Verification Plug-in for XProtect®

How to install


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Required Bosch Security and Safety Systems product(s)
Recommended: - Bosch Camera Firmware 9.10 or higher - Milestone Device Pack 13.2 or higher

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2024 R1, 06/25 2024
  • XProtect
    2024 R1, 06/25 2024

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2023 R3, 11/14 2023 et les versions ultérieures
  • XProtect
    2023 R3, 11/14 2023 et les versions ultérieures

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