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BriefCam Video Content Analytics Platform
BriefCam transforms video into searchable, quantifiable and actionable intelligence.
Modifié le jeudi 16 juin 2022
BriefCam video analytics enables users to accelerate investigations, derive operational intelligence and attain situational awareness. Embedded directly in the Milestone client, BriefCam provides rapid video review and search, face recognition, real-time alerting and quantitative video insights.
What is needed
De BriefCam
BriefCam Insights
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
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BriefCam: Video Analytics Explained
BriefCam solution overview video. Video content analysis: searchable, valuable, actionable.
Keeping Cities safe
Police in Hartford, Connecticut, are using the latest video technology to ensure a Safe City.
How it works
How to install
BriefCam Video Content Analytics Platform - BriefCam transforms video into searchable, quantifiable and actionable intelligence.
BriefCam’s complete Video Content Analytics platform drives exponential value from surveillance camera investments by making video searchable, quantifiable and actionable. Review hours of video in minutes; quantitatively analyze video to derive actionable insights for data driven safety, security and operational decision making; and respond immediately to critical situational changes in the environment, all while effectively balancing sensitivity, accuracy and efficiency.The BriefCam Milestone XProtect integration introduces innovative, powerful and easy to use video analytics to the Milestone VMS. Embedded directly in the Milestone client, BriefCam offers three powerful solution modules which, alone or together, combine to keep you on the leading edge of security and business intelligence.
Key features
- Rapid Review - Quickly review hours of video in minutes or even seconds and instantly find objects of interest across multiple cameras.
- Video Synopsis - Extract objects from video and efficiently reconstruct and superimpose them back in to the scene, simultaneously displaying events.
- Face Recognition - pinpoints people of interest in real-time using images extracted from video, external image sources and pre- defined watchlists.
- Operational Intelligence - interactive and easy to use dashboards for visualizing and analyzing data.
- Real-Time Alerts - triggers based on face recognition, vehicles and people of interest in time sensitive situations.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Milestone plugin on the BriefCam Server and Milestone Embedded Client | pdf Download (664,66 KB) |
BriefCam Milestone Verification | pdf Download (70,30 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required BriefCam product(s)
BriefCam Protect 6.3, BriefCam Insights 6.3
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2018 R3, 10/02 2018
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2017 R1, 02/15 2017 et les versions ultérieures
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