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Calipsa AI False Alarm Filtering Analytics
Reduce event-based video false alarms by 90%+ with deep learning powered video analytics
Modifié le jeudi 16 juin 2022
Using the latest deep learning technology, Calipsa’s industry-leading, 100% cloud-based False Alarm Filtering analytics remove over 90% of event-based video false alarms. Calipsa recognises the cause of the alarm and filters out any that are not caused by human and vehicle movement.
What is needed
De Calipsa
Calipsa False Alarm Filtering
Calipsa False Alarm Filter Plugin
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect® Corporate (all)
XProtect® Expert (all)
XProtect® Professional+ (all)
XProtect® Express+ (all)
XProtect® Essential+ (all)
XProtect® Expert (all)
XProtect® Professional+ (all)
XProtect® Express+ (all)
XProtect® Essential+ (all)
Featured content
Customer Stories
Securitas UK
Discover how Securitas UK implemented Calipsa to achieve 89.8% total video false alarm reduction.
Prosegur USA
Discover how Prosegur USA have saved 35-40 labour hours per month with false alarm filtering
EMCS, one of the UK’s leading central stations, discuss how Calipsa has transformed video monitoring
How it works
How to install
Calipsa AI False Alarm Filtering Analytics - Reduce event-based video false alarms by 90%+ with deep learning powered video analytics
Calipsa's integration with XProtect gives Milestone customers access to our industry-leading False Alarm Filtering Analytics. The integration allows you to connect Calipsa to cameras via XProtect in just a few simple clicks. The one-click, plug-in integration has been verified by the Milestone Technology Partner Programme and requires no additional hardware.Our intelligent solution allows anyone monitoring cameras via XProtect to achieve significant levels of false alarm reduction, over 90%, at just the click of a button - without even leaving the XProtect Platform.
When the plug-in has been installed, Calipsa's algorithms will filter out alarms not caused by human and vehicle movement, showing only true alarms in the XProtect Platform. This ensures operators can respond quickly and efficiently to genuine alarms without having to review hundreds of false alerts.
Key features
- Calipsa removes over 90% of false alarms - caused by anything from lighting to the weather to foliage in the camera view.
- Calipsa highlights true alarms, adding a green bounding box to highlight areas of human or vehicle motion.
- 100% cloud-based analytics can be added to cameras on Milestone instantly, without the need for additional hardware on site.
- Customisable camera masking allows you to select areas of the camera view you want Calipsa to ignore - anything behind the mask will be filtered out.
- Calipsa's advanced reporting gives your business unique insights into camera and filtering performance.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Calipsa Plugin User Guide | pdf Download (634,85 KB) |
Calipsa Machine Learning Overview | pdf Download (288,62 KB) |
Calipsa Overview Factsheet | pdf Download (1,24 MB) |
Ebook: A guide to AI in video surveillance | pdf Download (3,49 MB) |
Ebook: Machine learning explained | pdf Download (3,82 MB) |
Calipsa False Alarm Reduction Rate - Machine Learning Data Over Time | pdf Download (75,37 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Calipsa product(s)
Calipsa False Alarm Filter Plugin
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectCorporate2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectExpert2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectEssential+2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectProfessional+2020 R3, 11/12 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate2014, 05/21 2014 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2013, 05/21 2013 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectEssential+2019 R3, 01/01 0001 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 et les versions ultérieures
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