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EINS - Integrated Solutions with Access Control
Open Architecture Access Control Software seamlessly integrated with Milestone Solutions
Modifié le vendredi 17 juin 2022
EINS provides a powerful access control & video surveillance integration, through a single user interface for managing & co-relating access control transaction with Video recordings.
What is needed
EINS - Ultimate Edition
EINS - Access Control
Ultimate Edition, Enterprise Edition
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Essential+; Express+; Professional+; Expert; Corporate
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Customer Stories
EINS - Integrated Access control with Milestone
We Offer Integrated access control solutions with milestone Video management software.
How it works
How to install
EINS - Integrated Solutions with Access Control - Open Architecture Access Control Software seamlessly integrated with Milestone Solutions
EINS Security Management & Milestone’s Video management software (VMS) provide a powerful access control and video surveillance integration, through a single user interface inside EINS – Enterprise Edition, EINS – Ultimate Edition & EINS – Residential Solution. End users no longer need to open up multiple applications to monitor alarms and video in system-specific monitors.Uniting access control and video for monitoring access events and controlling access points creates many advantages for customers.
The integration creates more efficient work processes, so that
operators can manage video and access control from a single
interface and manage security effectively & efficiently.
Key features
- Configure and execute actions on motion alarmed cameras
- Take a ‘snapshot’ and email it as evidence
- Associate access control alarms with digital video footage
- Live video pop-up based on alarm priority or time
- Real time visual tracking and recording during alarm conditions with live video snapshots.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
EINS - Milestone Integrated Solution - Installation Guide | pdf Download (2,96 MB) |
EINS - Milestone Integration Brochure | pdf Download (555,83 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Title | Installer Guide | Installer Software |
pdf Download (2,96 MB) | N/A Download |
EINS - Enterprise Edition
EINS - Ultimate Edition
EINS - Residential Solution
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2019 R2, 06/19 2019
XProtectCorporate2019 R2, 06/19 2019
XProtectExpert2019 R2, 06/19 2019
XProtectEssential+2019 R2, 06/19 2019
XProtectProfessional+2019 R2, 06/19 2019
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2019 R1, 02/05 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02/05 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2019 R1, 02/05 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectEssential+2019 R1, 02/05 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2019 R1, 02/05 2019 et les versions ultérieures
Country availability
Your location is: Etats-Unis
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- Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
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- République de Corée
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- Thaïlande
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