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Senfi Smart Buildings Services Cloud

Modifié le vendredi 17 juin 2022
Fourni par G Element Pte Ltd Nous contacter
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Explore more
Senfi is a cloud based service that acts as the central command system for smart buildings. Data from virtually any sensor source are unified and analyzed to provide automated monitoring and predictive analysis, streamlining workflows, and empowering your team to respond and resolve issues rapidly.
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Vérification Milestone
Jusqu'à < 1000
What is needed

De G Element Pte Ltd

  • Senfi Twin

De Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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How it works
How to install

Senfi - Senfi Smart Buildings Services Cloud

Senfi is a cloud-based smart building service that helps you interconnect building systems and modern technologies into a “live” 3D digital twin. Building users can now monitor and respond to situations effectively and productively in a single pane of glass.

Building users can create workflows that interoperate across live sensors, AI and analytics to provide smart services that can operate autonomously, enabling buildings to be managed with lessened manpower on-site.

Example 1: Senfi combines data from Milestone XProtect with crowd detection AI and lift system to provide an autonomous workflow that detects large crowd at the lobby and automatically activate additional lifts on-demand that were previously on standby to smartly ease congestion and overcrowding at lift lobbies.

Example 2: Senfi can combine door access control system with Milestone XProtect to automatically trigger specific CCTVs to provide visuals of intruder whenever forced access is detected, enhancing security.

Key features

  • 3D Situational Awareness - Front end live 3D Digital Twin with live sensor feeds gives complete 3D situation awareness.
  • Backend CMS - Centralized Content Management System allows control of 3D building models, sensors, workflows and users management.
  • Unified Alarm Notification - Get the right person on duty at the right time with the right information when issue arises.
  • Rules Engine - No-code and Low-code GUI editors make it easy to self-service and configure rules for automated and predictive monitoring.
  • Smart Building Operations Analytics - Sensor data are visualized via heatmap, graphs, charts and can be further aggregated for meaningful insights.
How it works

How to install


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Vérification Milestone Read verification


Required G Element Pte Ltd product(s)
Senfi Milestone Video Adapter 1.5.6

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 et les versions ultérieures
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 et les versions ultérieures
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 et les versions ultérieures
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 et les versions ultérieures

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