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HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10
HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10, based on the HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Servers, is a compact, scalable, 1U
Modifié le vendredi 17 juin 2022
HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10, based on the HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Servers, is a compact, scalable, 1U . The HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10 Server is the secure and versatile single socket server for virtualization and I/O intensive workloads is ideal for remote office or space-constrained locations.
What is needed
De Hewlett Packard Enterprise
HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10 - HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10, based on the HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Servers, is a compact, scalable, 1U
HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10, based on the HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Servers, is a compact, scalable, 1U rack-mounted building block that delivers integrated server, storage, and storage networking services. The HPE SimpliVity 325 Gen10 Server is the secure and versatile single socket server for virtualization and I/O intensive workloads is ideal for remote office or space-constrained locations. This 1P, 1U server delivers an exceptional balance of processor, memory and I/O for 2P performance at 1P Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Get the most out of virtualized environment with this versatile server delivering a lower hypervisor software cost and better cost per Virtual Machine (VM).Key features
- The HPE SimpliVity 325 combines x86 resources, storage and storage networking in a single hyper converged system with advanced functionality.
- The all-flash solution provides predictable and linear performance at near wire speeds with reduced latency
- Software-Optimized inline deduplication, compression, and optimization helps minimize I/O and network traffic, improving performance while delivering
- Single AMD EPYC processors allow a 50% reduction in socket-based hypervisor licensing costs. It delivers rapid deployment so user can respond faster
- HPE SimpliVity RapidDR is a DR orchestration tool for HPE SimpliVity platforms to simplify and accelerate offsite DR for rapid recovery of application
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Simple installation guide for Milestone on HPE SimpliVity | docx Download (1014,90 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Hewlett Packard Enterprise product(s)
HPE SimpliVity Omnistack Virtual Controller v4.0.0 and above
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2020 R2, 06/09 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
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