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Ipsotek VISuite: AI Video Analytics
Artificial Intelligence Video Analytics (AIVA) solutions for live and post event analysis.
Modifié le jeudi 28 septembre 2023
Ipsotek VISuite is an AI-powered video analytics platform, leveraging existing CCTV cameras for real-time security and operations. Its core, the Scenario-Based Rule Engine, precisely detects complex behaviors in dynamic environments, serving 600+ global customers for 20+ years.
What is needed
De Ipsotek, an Eviden business
VISuite AI
VISuite FR
VISuite AI Advance Video Analytics
VISuite FR Face Recognition
VISuite LPR License Plate Recognition
VISuite Forensics
VISuite Investigation
VISuite FR Face Recognition
VISuite LPR License Plate Recognition
VISuite Forensics
VISuite Investigation
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect® Essential
XProtect® Express
XProtect® Professional
XProtect® Expert
XProtect® Corporate
XProtect® Enterprise
XProtect® Express
XProtect® Professional
XProtect® Expert
XProtect® Corporate
XProtect® Enterprise
Featured content
Customer Stories
Aviation Project References
Ipsotek is a world leader in Video Analytics for the Avation industry.
How it works
How to install
Ipsotek VISuite: AI Video Analytics - Artificial Intelligence Video Analytics (AIVA) solutions for live and post event analysis.
Ipsotek VISuite is integrated with Milestone XProtect and provides operators with a unified interface for managing a comprehensive range of "Use Cases" which are applicable to multiple industry sectors including.- Transportation (Road, Rail, Aviation)
- Critical Infrastructure (Utilities)
- Government (Law Enforcement, Prisons, Borders)
- City Surveillance
- Energy (Oil & Gas)
- Smart City / Safe City
- Commercial
- Healthcare
- Warehouse & Logistics
Within each industry sector we offer proven solutions including:
- Crowd Management
- Loitering
- Artificial Intelligence
- AI based Classifier
- AI based Tracker
- AI based People Counter
- Face Recognition with Face Mask Detection
- Intrusion Detection
- License Plate Recognition
- Traffic Management
- Perimeter Protection
- Abandoned Object Detection
- Forensic Analysis
- Investigation mode with Tag and Track
- Actionable data analysis with dynamic dashboards
Key features
- Scenario-based Rule Engine (SBRE) is at the heart of the Ipsotek VISuite, providing 32+ different rules for each camera stream.
- VISuite AI - Versatile, accurate, self-calibrating & easy to configure, ideally suited for large scale deployments in challenging environments.
- VISuite Forensics – Perform real-time or post event search & ID based on detailed event and metadata search criteria via the Incident Management GUI.
- VISuite Investigation – Automatically track objects across multiple overlapping and non-overlapping cameras in real-time using Tag & Track technology.
- VISuite FR – Face recognition engine for Watch-list Detection and Forensic Face Search with Face Mask detection. Ranked in the top 3 by NIST.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Milestone-Ipsotek VISuite Integration Manual_2023 | pdf Download (2,78 MB) |
Eviden Computer Vision Platform; powered by Ipsotek VISuite | pdf Download (509,68 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Ipsotek, an Eviden business product(s)
VISuite AI v11
VISuite FR v11
VISuite LPR v11
VISuite Forensics v11
VISuite Investigation v11
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2020 R3, 11/12 2020
XProtectExpert2019 R3, 10/08 2019
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02/05 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2019 R3, 10/08 2019 et les versions ultérieures
Country availability
Your location is: Etats-Unis
- Afrique du Sud
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- Côte d´Ivoire
- Djibouti
- Egypte
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- Ethiopie
- Gabon
- Gambie
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- Guinée
- Guinée équatoriale
- Guinée-Bissau
- Île Maurice
- Kenya
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- Les Seychelles
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- Mauritanie
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- Nigeria
- Ouganda
- République centrafricaine
- République démocratique du Congo
- Rwanda
- Sahara occidental
- Sainte-Hélène
- Sao Tomé-et-Principe
- Sénégal
- Sierra Leone
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- Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien
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