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Tyco Software House - CCure 9000 - XPA Integration
Enables operators to display CCure access control events and alarms in the XProtect® Smart Client
Modifié le mercredi 24 janvier 2024
XProtect Access integration with CCure 9000. View status of access control system, cardholders, controlled doors, readers and other devices in XProtect Smart Client. Control CCure hardware in XProtect. Trigger alarms, pop-ups, video display, recordings and events within XProtect from CCure actions.
What is needed
De Milestone Systems
CCure Milestone XProtect Corporate License
Milestone XProtect integration license required from JCI. (CC9-MSTVID+)
CCure 9000 2.80
CCure 9000 2.90
CCure 9000 3.00.1
CCure 9000 3.00.2
CCure 9000 2.80
CCure 9000 2.90
CCure 9000 3.00.1
CCure 9000 3.00.2
De Milestone Systems
Milestone Access
XProtect Access Base License & Door License(s).
XProtect 2021 R1/R2
XProtect 2022 R1/R2/R3
XProtect 2023 R1/R2/R3
XProtect 2021 R1/R2
XProtect 2022 R1/R2/R3
XProtect 2023 R1/R2/R3
How it works
How to install
Tyco Software House - CCure 9000 - XPA Integration - Enables operators to display CCure access control events and alarms in the XProtect® Smart Client
Operators can display CCure 9000 access control system status, cardholders, and real-time events in a separate tab with associated video in the XProtect® Smart Client.Also, they can utilize standard XProtect® video search, export and review functionality.
It is possible to use XProtect® Map functions to display managed door's status on a map image as well as lock and unlock doors and send commands to CCure hardware devices.
By using Milestone XProtect as the viewing client, operators may also manage other third party applications in the same user interface such as intercoms, people counting, heat mapping, loitering and other types of video analytics. These applications are installed separately.
In short, XProtect® VMS & CCure 9000 Access Control Integration allows:
XProtect® Rules engine support for CCure alarms.
XProtect® Smart Client Map support for door controllers.
Viewing alarm events in real time in the XProtect® Smart Client.
Searching for CCure doors and cardholders.
Key features
- View alarms, events, and device status from CCure in real time alongside video and pop-ups from associated cameras inside the XProtect® Smart Client.
- Bi-directional Alarm Acknowledgement - CCure alarms can be acknowledged from the XProtect® Smart Client status of the alarms is shared in real-time.
- Use the Map feature to display managed door status on a map in the Smart Client. Lock and unlock doors or send commands to hardware from the map icon.
- Search for reports on access control hardware, cardholder activity and access control events with all results available with video and images.
- The CCure 9000 XProtect Access integration is compatible with all current versions of both software systems with on-going development and support.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Milestone XProtect Access CCure 9000 User Guide | pdf Download (9,60 MB) |
Vérification Milestone
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Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Title | Installer Guide | Installer Software |
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Required Milestone Systems product(s)
CCure 9000 2.80 - 2.90 - 3.00.1 - 3.00.2
XProtect Access CCure 9000 Integration - v 1.4
XProtect 2021 R1/R2 - 2022 R1/R2/R3 - 2023 R1/R2/R3
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2023 R3, 11/14 2023
XProtectCorporate2023 R3, 11/14 2023
XProtectExpert2023 R3, 11/14 2023
XProtectProfessional+2023 R3, 11/14 2023
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2021 R1, 06/29 2021 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate2021 R1, 06/29 2021 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2021 R1, 06/29 2021 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2021 R1, 06/29 2021 et les versions ultérieures
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