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Video Surveillance Storage - E2800 Storage Arrays
NetApp® E-Series storage for video surveillance scales without limits and is cost effective.
Modifié le vendredi 17 juin 2022
Easy to use and easy to scale, NetApp® E-Series storage systems can help you grow from hundreds to thousands of cameras while minimizing storage footprint and management overhead.
What is needed
De NetApp
NetApp® E-Series Storage
NetApp SANtricity® 11.5
E-Series Storage
SANtricity 11.50, (11.4 and higher)
SANtricity 11.50, (11.4 and higher)
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect Corporate (2014 and later)
Compatible with Milestone Husky X8 NVR System
Compatible with Milestone Husky X8 NVR System
Featured content
Customer Stories
NetApp Uses Video Analytics, Drives Transformation
NetApp modernized its video surveillance infrastructure with Milestone integration
How it works
How to install
Video Surveillance Storage - E2800 Storage Arrays - NetApp® E-Series storage for video surveillance scales without limits and is cost effective.
The joint Milestone XProtect VMS and NetApp® E-Series storage solution provides superior performance and highly reliable storage to meet the advances of next-generation video surveillance and analytics requirements. Milestone XProtect VMS is a true open platform that allows ease of use, flexibility, and endless integration possibilities for customers. On the back end, and at the heart of a video surveillance solution, is NetApp® E-Series storage, delivering unprecedented capacity, speed, and reliability. With NetApp E-Series systems' high-density modular storage blocks, customers can scale incrementally and without limits.Milestone XProtect VMS and NetApp E-Series storage together offer customers:
• Consistent high-performance bandwidth for media-intensive video-streaming environments
• Performance-tuned solutions that deliver high availability
• Cost-effective growth
• World-class flexibility and scalability
Key features
- Never lose access. NetApp video surveillance solutions are designed with fault tolerance that is proven to deliver > 99.999% availabilility.
- Get the speed you need. Obtain the advantages of high density and high performance within a small footprint.
- Easy to deploy and support. Support capabilities that give you much easier implementation.
- Scale without limits. Whether you have 200 cameras or 200,000, we designed our enterprise video storage solutions to scale transparently.
- Lower your cost of ownership. Our customers confirm that NetApp video storage solutions are 18% to 22% more cost effective over a 3-year cycle.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
E-Series (E2860, E5760) - Complete system setup and configuration | pdf Download (971,08 KB) |
E-Series (E5724m EF570, EF280, E2824) - Complete system setup and configuration | pdf Download (1,20 MB) |
Introduction to NetApp E-Series E2800 | pdf Download (5,38 MB) |
NetApp and Milestone Systems - Joint Solution Brief | pdf Download (314,52 KB) |
E2800 and E5700 with Milestone XProtect - Certification Effort Results (includes Husky X8) | pdf Download (1,37 MB) |
Video Surveillance with NetApp E-Series, Performance Considerations - Technical Report | pdf Download (1,00 MB) |
Video Surveillance with NetApp E-Series, Sizing Considerations - Technical Report | pdf Download (1,14 MB) |
NetApp E2800 Storage System for Video Surveillance - Datasheet | pdf Download (59,09 KB) |
Required NetApp product(s)
E-Series Storage
SANtricity 11.50
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02/11 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2014, 05/21 2014 et les versions ultérieures
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