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Quantum Unified Surveillance Platform
The Quantum USP software, powered by Pivot3, stands as a video surveillance solution.
Modifié le mercredi 1 novembre 2023
VS-HCI Series VS2024D-HCI
Quantum USP, integrated with Pivot3 technology, offers robust performance for running VMS software. The system has been meticulously fine-tuned to ensure a seamless experience for customers' workloads and its hardware agnostic solution supporting x86 servers.
Quantum USP, integrated with Pivot3 technology, offers robust performance for running VMS software. The system has been meticulously fine-tuned to ensure a seamless experience for customers' workloads and its hardware agnostic solution supporting x86 servers.
What is needed
De Quantum Corporation
Quantum VS-HCI Series VS2024D-HCI
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
Quantum Unified Surveillance Platform - The Quantum USP software, powered by Pivot3, stands as a video surveillance solution.
For businesses seeking to streamline their physical security setup, cut costs, mitigate security risks, and maintain scalability, the Quantum Unified Surveillance Platform (USP) provides a consolidated compute and storage system tailored for video surveillance. It adapts to your preferred hardware, minimizing risks and reducing total ownership costs. Specifically designed for the surveillance realm, where continuous data recording is paramount, the Quantum USP ensures a seamless and uninterrupted operational environment. This platform stands as a strategic solution for organizations aiming to enhance security while optimizing resources and future-proofing their infrastructure. Quantum USP offers the flexibility to establish multiple virtual machines, which can be equipped with Milestone recording servers for storing and processing recorded images. Milestone XProtect seamlessly integrates with Quantum USP.Key features
- High Write Throughput - The USP employs a unique online writing and offline distribution algorithm, ensuring consistent to prevent any dropped frames.
- 24 x 7 Operations - USP introduces configurable erasure coding which provides high resiliency.
- Secure & Scalable - Quantum USP brings data center cybersecurity practices into video surveillance and a flexible hardware-agnostic approach to growth
- Built-in Hypervisor - KVM-based hypervisor for running multiple applications on the same physical server.
- Easy to use single Web-Based Intuitive Dashboard CBA, VMS, Infrastructure, custom monitoring deck, alerts, storage, CBA, VMS monitoring.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Installation Guide | pdf Download (3,39 MB) |
User Guide | pdf Download (4,10 MB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Quantum Corporation product(s)
Quantum VS2024D-HCI
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06/13 2022
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06/13 2022 et les versions ultérieures
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