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Quantum VS-HCI Series ( formerly Pivot3 )
A unified server and storage system that is resilient, scalable, and optimized for video workloads
Modifié le mardi 11 octobre 2022
The Quantum VS-HCI Series, based on hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), provides the ideal platform for running Milestone XProtect VMS software. It provides a modern IT infrastructure optimized for video with the simplicity and ease of use a physical security environment desires.
What is needed
De Quantum Corporation
VS-HCI Appliances
Acuity Hyperconverged Software Platform
VS2000 HCI Appliances
VS1000 HCI Appliances
VS4000 HCI Appliances
NOTE: This solution is the former Pivot3 Surveillance Series
VS2000 HCI Appliances
VS1000 HCI Appliances
VS4000 HCI Appliances
NOTE: This solution is the former Pivot3 Surveillance Series
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Any version of XProtect
Featured content
Customer Stories
University of Central Florida
The University of Central Florida (UCF) has roughly 3000 cameras protecting 64,000 students
Seattle Children's Hospital
Leading Children’s Hospital Uses Quantum VS-HCI Solution to Improve Patient Safety & Operations
Regional Energy Provider
Large Regional U.S. Utility Reduces Physical and Cybersecurity Risk with Quantum Infrastructure
Caesars Entertainment
Upgrades to VS-HCI Hyperconverged Infrastructure to Improve
the Customer Experience
Chico Unified School District
Sprawling Multi-Campus School District Turns to Quantum for State-of-the-Art Safe Campus Solution
How it works
How to install
Quantum VS-HCI Series ( formerly Pivot3 ) - A unified server and storage system that is resilient, scalable, and optimized for video workloads
Quantum VS-HCI Series, based on hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), provides the ideal platform for running Milestone XProtect VMS software, by bringing all the benefits of an enterprise grade IT infrastructure, with all the simplicity and ease of use a security director desires. With unrivalled storage efficiency and resilience, VS-HCI provides an intelligent, scalable, efficient server and storage platform for critical video data that is captured and managed by XProtect VMS. The solution eliminates single points of failure and isolated storage subsystems of a traditional NVR solution for more effective management, centralized data storage, and a reduction in the total cost of ownership. VS-HCI’s ultra-low system overhead and integrated server processing allow security chiefs to run all the advanced Milestone software features and integrated Rapid-REVIEW analytics software on a single platform with greater resilience, uptime, and response time.Key features
- Extreme resiliency & high availability eliminates downtime and protect against critical liabilities associated with data loss.
- Maximum sustained throughput to prevent video loss and image degradation through a distributed architecture with pooled storage and compute resource
- Entry to enterprise flexible, granular scalability of storage, compute, GPU, and bandwidth independently and non-disruptively
- Efficient storage utilization for cost, space, power, cooling, and maintenance savings.
- Easily administered without advanced IT skills through the centralized, single-pane-of-glass management console.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
XProtect and VS-HCI Series (Pivot3) Reference Architecture | pdf Download (595,81 KB) |
Milestone and Quantum Solution Brief | pdf Download (706,63 KB) |
Airport Reference Architecture - Milestone & Quantum VS-HCI | pdf Download (738,09 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Quantum Corporation product(s)
Pivot3 Acuity software versions 10.0 or greater
Quantum VS-HCI appliance VS1000, VS2000, VS4000
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2022 R3, 10/11 2022
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06/13 2022
XProtectExpert2022 R3, 10/11 2022
XProtectEssential+2022 R3, 10/11 2022
XProtectProfessional+2022 R2, 06/13 2022
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2020 R3, 11/12 2020 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02/05 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2020 R3, 11/12 2020 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectEssential+2020 R3, 11/12 2020 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
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