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Razberi ServerSwitchIQ™
The ideal solution for reliable, efficient and cost-effective edge recording.
Modifié le dimanche 19 juin 2022
Razberi is the alternative to simple NVRs and servers offering solutions that maximize network optimization, cybersecurity and remote health monitoring. Razberi ServerSwitchIQ™ is an intelligent surveillance platform with an all-in-one managed switch, storage, server, PoE in a single appliance.
What is needed
De Razberi Technologies
Milestone Gold Technology Partner
Razberi Monitor - Health Monitoring Software
Razberi Monitor - Health Monitoring Software
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Featured content
Customer Stories
An Alternative to Centralized, General Purpose IT
Major Detroit Integrator: The ROI Case for Using Intelligent IP Video Surveillance Appliances
Case Study: Alarmas Universales
Intelligent Surveillance Appliance Chosen to Improve Reliability for Mission Critical Security
Importance of Monitoring in Education
Explores the challenges of the education industry and how it can benefit from Razberi Monitor.
Importance of Surveillance System Monitoring
Describes why monitoring security system health and resilience are essential for every organization
Why Intelligent Surveillance Appliances Outperform
Top 5 Reasons Intelligent Surveillance Appliances Outperform General-Purpose Servers White Paper
How it works
How to install
Razberi ServerSwitchIQ™ - The ideal solution for reliable, efficient and cost-effective edge recording.
Razberi is the alternative to simple NVRs and servers offering solutions that maximize network optimization, cybersecurity and remote health monitoring. Razberi ServerSwitchIQ™ is an intelligent surveillance platform with an all-in-one managed switch, storage, server, PoE in a single appliance. It comes standard with the award-winning Razberi CameraDefense™ software to automate cybersecurity protection with an easy to use dashboard to scale industry best practices including device binding, internet protection, password management and whitelisting for hundreds or thousands of IoT camera devices. Razberi CameraDefense™ integrates with Milestone XProtect to create a single dashboard to notify Milestone VMS operators of cyber threats and events. Razberi ServerSwitchIQ™ is available in various form factors for needs enterprise-wise, rugged locations and offers a new Razberi PortExtender™ to extend the cybersecurity benefits when scaling cameras across an enterprise.Key features
- Up to 96TB internal recording
- Award-winning Razberi CameraDefense built-in
- CylancePROTECT for antivirus and malware protection without compromising VMS performance
- Built-in for premise or cloud-based tools to securely monitor health and cybersecurity
- Performance-ready to support analytics with an optional NVIDIA Quadro GPU
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Product Installation Guide | pdf Download (1,11 MB) |
Product User Guide | pdf Download (3,24 MB) |
Top 6 Measures to Reduce Video Surveillance Cybersecurity Risks | pdf Download (478,33 KB) |
Automating Camera Hardening | pdf Download (451,85 KB) |
Deploying Razberi ServerSwitchIQ™ Rugged in Remote and Harsh Environments | pdf Download (1,53 MB) |
Optimal RAID Configurations for Video Surveillance | pdf Download (683,79 KB) |
Required Razberi Technologies product(s)
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2017 R3, 10/05 2017
XProtectCorporate2017 R3, 10/05 2017
XProtectExpert2017 R3, 10/05 2017
XProtectEssential+2017 R3, 10/05 2017
XProtectProfessional+2017 R3, 10/05 2017
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate3.0, 09/16 2009 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2013, 05/21 2013 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectEssential+2017 R2, 03/28 2017 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 et les versions ultérieures
Country availability
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