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Smart Safety Platform: AI-driven video analytics
Detect, track & respond to everyday operations at scale and speed
Modifié le mercredi 19 octobre 2022
For AI-driven video analytics that autonomously detects potential security incidents around the clock with actionable insights and real-time event alerts.
What is needed
De Remark AI
Edge Server
Smart Safety Platform 1.0
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
Smart Safety Platform: AI-driven video analytics - Detect, track & respond to everyday operations at scale and speed
The Smart Safety Platform combines both software & hardware, whilst harnessing the power of AI to extract insightful data from video streams: Deployed on edge or on edge with cloud server to extend MXSC's functionality with enhanced video analytics to users as a Bookmark.Add features such as:
• Intrusion detection
• People counting
• Behavioral analysis
• Detection of loitering
• Suspicious object detection
• Fire & smoke detection
• Intelligent investigation
Example use case:
When a vehicle is detected crossing a street with a recognised number plate a Bookmark is created within MXSC giving the user the required details on the camera name, source, event timestamp & an appropriate message to catagorise the event activity, e.g. ‘vehicle detected with car plate number’, device name, floor number, venue name, and snapshot thumbnail.
Key features
- Face recognition: ID matching & alert on a watchlist, face similarity search, On-duty check-in, face attribute search by demographic
- Pedestrian Detection: Intrusion, exit, crowds, in/out flow, pedestrian attribute search
- Abnormal Behavior: Loitering, falling down, fighting, fare Avoidance
- Vehicle: Vehicle detection / intrusion, parking, exiting, reverse direction / traffic flow, number plate recognition & search
- Object Detection: Unattended object detection with linking to last contacted, pedestrian/vehicle, smoke and fire detection
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Installation and Upgrade Guide | docx Download (48,96 KB) |
Integration with Milestone products overview | docx Download (231,18 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Remark AI product(s)
Hardware Specification
• CPU: Intel ® Core™ 2 X6800 @ 2.93 GHz
• RAM: 2 GB of RAM or better
• GPU: 256 MB PCI-Express x16 video card
• HDD: 80 GB hard drive for OS and Security Center applications
• Monitor: 1280 x 1024 or higher screen resolution with 96 dpi
• Network: 100 Mbps Ethernet network interface card
Software Specification
• Windows 10 Pro Version 21H1 OS build 19043.1706
• Chrome WEB browser Version 102.0.5005.115
• .Net Framework 4.8.04161
• Milestone XProtect 2022 R1
• Smart Safety Platform 3.0.1
External Hardware (If applicable):
The Remark AI edge server or Remark AI edge server with cloud server together.
External Software (If applicable):
The Smart Safety Platform 3.0.1 installed on the edge server or edge server with cloud server together.
Installation Pre-requisites:
The Remark AI edge server must be installed in the same network as MXSC.
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2022 R1, 03/08 2022
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2022 R1, 03/08 2022 et les versions ultérieures
Country availability
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