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SICK Laser Scanners for Detection and Protection
SICK Laser Technology for Intrusion Detection / Valuables Protection Fully Integrated with Milestone
Modifié le dimanche 19 juin 2022
SICK 2D and 3D Laser Technology, now fully integrated with the power of Milestone, delivers exceptional detection and verification capabilities while minimizing nuisance alarms thanks to our proprietary Multi-Echo technology, advanced filtering and the ability to precisely define areas of interest.
What is needed
De SICK Inc.
SICK Milestone MIP Plug-In
SICK LMS Security Laser Scanners
SICK TiM Security Laser Scanners
SICK Security Laser Scanners -
LMS 141/142/143 Prime
LMS 511/531 Pro
TiM 351/361
MRS 1000 - Multi Layer Scanner
LMS 1000 - High Speed Scanner
LMS 141/142/143 Prime
LMS 511/531 Pro
TiM 351/361
MRS 1000 - Multi Layer Scanner
LMS 1000 - High Speed Scanner
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
XProtect All Versions
XProtect Express
XProtect Professional
XProtect Enterprise
XProtect Corporate
XProtect Expert
XProtect Express
XProtect Professional
XProtect Enterprise
XProtect Corporate
XProtect Expert
How it works
How to install
SICK Laser Scanners for Detection and Protection - SICK Laser Technology for Intrusion Detection / Valuables Protection Fully Integrated with Milestone
The SICK Milestone MIP Plug-In allows the user to take full advantage of the power of SICK Security Laser Scanners with their Milestone VMS. The plug-in is free, easy to install and requires no additional software to implement. Once installed, the plug-in allows the user to add SICK laser scanners directly to their Milestone VMS just like any other sensor. The advantage here is that the scanners, using invisible eye-safe LiDAR technology, are able to accurately detect intrusions day or night within millimeters. When an intrusion is detected, by utilizing the powerful Milestone Rules Engine, the scanners can activate fixed cameras or direct PTZ cameras to preset positions corresponding to the location of the intrusion to quickly allow for visual verification of the situation. In addition to any camera or system recording that may be enabled, the SICK MIP plug-in can also create and deliver an MJPEG stream of the actual scanner data which can then be recorded or viewed in live mode.Key features
- SICK Security Laser Scanners utilize invisible LiDAR technology to detect intruders which allows for reliable detection under any lighting conditions.
- SICK Security Laser Scanners have proprietary Multi-Echo Technology to eliminate false alarms from environmental conditions such as rain, snow or fog.
- SICK Security Laser Scanners let you define precise zones within the scanned areas allowing you to focus on what is important while ignoring the rest.
- SICK Security Laser Scanners are built with an IP67 rating to withstand harsh conditions at temperature ranges as wide as -40C to +60C on some models.
- The SICK Milestone Plug-In is free and no other software is needed to easily and fully integrate SICK Security Laser Scanners into your Milestone VMS.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Installation and Operating Manual - SICK Milestone MIP Plug-In - Milestone Verified | pdf Download (1,86 MB) |
SICK Industry Overview - Building Safety and Security | pdf Download (946,90 KB) |
SICK Milestone MIP Plug In Architecture | pdf Download (124,90 KB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Title | Installer Guide | Installer Software |
pdf Download (1,86 MB) | N/A Download |
Required SICK Inc. product(s)
SICK Security Laser Scanners -
LMS 141/142/143 Prime
LMS 511/531 Pro
TiM 351/361
MRS 1000 - Multi Layer Scanner
LMS 1000 - High Speed Scanner
Additional Products To Be Added
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2020 R1, 02/11 2020
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02/11 2020
XProtectExpert2020 R1, 02/11 2020
XProtectEssential+2020 R1, 02/11 2020
XProtectProfessional+2020 R1, 02/11 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate2017 R1, 02/15 2017 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2017 R1, 02/15 2017 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectEssential+2019 R3, 01/01 0001 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 et les versions ultérieures
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