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ACT Access Control Integration to XProtect®
ACT Enterprise is a scalable access control solution available from Vanderbilt Industries.
Modifié le vendredi 18 novembre 2022
This integration exchanges access control door status, events, video and user information between XProtect and ACT Enterprise.
XProtect can for instance control doors and start video recording based on events in ACT Enterprise as well as send video to ACT Enterprise software.
XProtect can for instance control doors and start video recording based on events in ACT Enterprise as well as send video to ACT Enterprise software.
What is needed
De Vanderbilt Industries
ACT Enterprise
Enterprise License
ACTEnterprise V 1.4+
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
Milestone Access
How it works
How to install
ACT Access Control Integration to XProtect® - ACT Enterprise is a scalable access control solution available from Vanderbilt Industries.
ACT Enterprise is a state of the art IP-based access control system. It is scalable from 1 to 4000 doors and is installed on a wide variety of locations globally. ACT Enterprise also has an integration to Vanderbilt SPC Intrusion system which makes this the only access control platform to integrate to this price-awarded intrusion system. When integrating ACT Enterprise to Milestone XProtect makes it possible to exchanges door status, events, video and user information between the two systems.XProtect can for instance control doors and start video recording based on events in ACT Enterprise as well as send video to ACT Enterprise software.
Key features
- View Video events in ACTEnterprise software
- Incoming alarm event management
- Lock / Unlock doors
- View alarms in Milestone environment
- View access control events on XProtect graphic mapping interface
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
ACT Enterprise - Milestone XProtect integration manual. | doc Download (1,23 MB) |
ACTEnterprise Milestone XProtect Integration | doc Download (1,23 MB) |
ACT Cheat-sheet Overview | pdf Download (1,10 MB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Title | Installer Guide | Installer Software |
pdf Download (943,88 KB) | N/A Download |
Required Vanderbilt Industries product(s)
ACTEnterprise 2.14+
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2020 R2, 06/09 2020
XProtectCorporate2020 R2, 06/09 2020
XProtectExpert2020 R2, 06/09 2020
XProtectEssential+2020 R1, 02/11 2020
XProtectProfessional+2020 R2, 06/09 2020
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectEssential+2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2020 R1, 02/11 2020 et les versions ultérieures
Country availability
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