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VIVOTEK Deep Search and Vision Enhancer
VIVOTEK Deep Search is a video analytics tool designed to enhance the functionality of the Milestone
Modifié le jeudi 19 septembre 2024
VIVOTEK Deep Search and Vision Enhancer for Milestone XProtect is a powerful tool that enables users to unlock the full potential of their video surveillance systems, providing advanced search capabilities and enhancing overall situational awareness.
What is needed
Deep Search
Vision Object Analytics
VIVOTEK Cameras with attribute search supported.
VIVOTEK Deep Learning VCA Package # or later version
VIVOTEK Deep Search for Milestone Plugin # or later version
VIVOTEK Deep Learning VCA Package # or later version
VIVOTEK Deep Search for Milestone Plugin # or later version
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
The VIVOTEK VCA Plugin applies to (2020 or later version):
XProtect Professional / XProtect Professional +/ XProtect Expert / XProtect Corporate / XProtect Express / XProtect Express+ / XProtect Essential+
The VIVOTEK Smart Search Plugin applies to:
XProtect Express (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Professional (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Expert 2020 or later version / XProtect Corporate 2020 or later version
The VIVOTEK Deep Search Plugin applies to:
XProtect Express (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Professional (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Expert 2022 or later version / XProtect Corporate 2022 or later version
Plugins do not apply to:
XProtect Go / XProtect Essential (+)
XProtect Professional / XProtect Professional +/ XProtect Expert / XProtect Corporate / XProtect Express / XProtect Express+ / XProtect Essential+
The VIVOTEK Smart Search Plugin applies to:
XProtect Express (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Professional (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Expert 2020 or later version / XProtect Corporate 2020 or later version
The VIVOTEK Deep Search Plugin applies to:
XProtect Express (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Professional (+) 2022 or later version / XProtect Expert 2022 or later version / XProtect Corporate 2022 or later version
Plugins do not apply to:
XProtect Go / XProtect Essential (+)
How it works
How to install
VIVOTEK Deep Search and Vision Enhancer - VIVOTEK Deep Search is a video analytics tool designed to enhance the functionality of the Milestone
VIVOTEK Deep Search is a video analytics tool designed to enhance the functionality of the Milestone XProtect video management software. It utilizes deep learning algorithms to analyze video footage and provide advanced search capabilities for security and surveillance applications.With VIVOTEK Deep Search for Milestone XProtect, users can search for specific objects, people, or vehicles within video footage, even if they are only partially visible or hidden from view. The tool can also detect and track objects across multiple camera views and provide detailed reports of activity within a specific area or timeframe.
By using VIVOTEK Deep Search in conjunction with Milestone XProtect, security operators can quickly and easily identify and investigate potential security threats, saving time and improving the overall effectiveness of their surveillance systems.
Key features
- User friendly interface and free license plug-in. One installer file to install VIVOTEK VCA, Smart Search and Deep Search plugin.
- Deep Search Plugin, is able to define attributes (and deteciton rules for single camera), provides Path extractions, and bestshot of searching result.
- Smart Search Plug-in, define detection rules (such as line crossing, intrusion, and loitering) in Search section of Smart Client.
- The VCA plug-in enables VIVOTEK Smart VCA rules and analytics events overlay on cameras displayed in the Smart Client in both live view and playback.
- Bounding Box and Metadata Is based on a deep learning AI engine in people / vehicle detection that can instantly recognizes the appearance of objects.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
VIVOTEK Smart VCA User Manual (Camera Settings) | pdf Download (11,79 MB) |
VIVOTEK Smart Tracking Advance User Manual (Camera Settings) | pdf Download (8,41 MB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Required VIVOTEK Inc. product(s)
Please "UNINSTALL" existing VCA or Deep Search Plugin" that version older than
VIVOTEK Cameras with attribute search supported.
VIVOTEK Deep Learning VCA Package # or later version
VIVOTEK Deep Search for Milestone Plugin # or later version
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2023 R1, 03/07 2023
XProtectCorporate2023 R1, 03/07 2023
XProtectExpert2023 R1, 03/07 2023
XProtectProfessional+2023 R1, 03/07 2023
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2022 R3, 10/11 2022 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectCorporate2019 R3, 10/08 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectExpert2019 R3, 10/08 2019 et les versions ultérieures
XProtectProfessional+2021 R1, 06/29 2021 et les versions ultérieures
Country availability
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