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Ultrastar Data60 and Data102 Storage Platform
Data60/Data102 storage platform - key element of next-generation disaggregated storage and SDSsystem
Modifié le vendredi 18 novembre 2022
The compact, efficient form factor provides the flexibility to select the correct HDD for balancing capacity, performance, and cost. The Ultrastar Data60 and Data102 provides respectively up to 1.2PB1 and 2PB of raw storage using 60 and 102 20TB HDDs in a compact and efficient form factor.
What is needed
De Western Digital Corporation
Ultrastar Data60
Ultrastar Data102
De Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
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High Capacity, Fail-over Surveillance Solution
hardware configuration for
а high capacity, failover storage solution for a large-scale surveillance
How it works
How to install
Ultrastar Data60 and Data102 Storage Platform - Data60/Data102 storage platform - key element of next-generation disaggregated storage and SDSsystem
IsoVibe™ Vibration Isolation TechnologyPrecise cuts in the baseboard provide a suspension for the drives in the chassis, isolating them from transmitted vibration. The result is that consistent performance is maintained, even when all the drives are working hard.
ArcticFlow™ Thermal Zone Cooling Technology
By introducing cool air into the center of the chassis, drives operate at lower and more consistent temperatures than conventional systems. This results in lower fan speeds, reduced vibration, lower power consumption, quieter operations and ultimately higher reliability.
Western Digital Resource Manager
A GUI-based tool that enables real-time monitoring and management of the platform and provides a consolidated dashboard displaying the most critical information. Other views allow platform configuration, health monitoring, and maintenance.
Key features
- Up to 60 and 102 Ultrastar HDDs (SAS or SATA)
- Up to 1.2PB1 and 2.0PB raw capacity in 4U using 20TB HDDs
- Dual-port SAS for high availability or single-port SATA for low cost
- Enterprise-grade redundant and hot-swappable PSUs, I/O modules, and fans
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Installation Guide Ultrastar Data60 | pdf Download (18,58 MB) |
Installation Guide Ultrastar Data102 | pdf Download (20,69 MB) |
Vérification Milestone
Read verification
Required Western Digital Corporation product(s)
Firmware release 3010-007 or later
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2021 R2, 10/27 2021
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2021 R2, 10/27 2021 et les versions ultérieures
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