Export video in simplified mode
In the simplified mode, you can export video to document an incident.
Privacy mask, the media player format, and still images are features that are available only in advanced mode. Click and then to switch to advanced mode.
- Select the view containing the cameras that caught the incident.
- On the Playback tab, to the right of the timeline, click the Export button. The Export panel appears. Only the camera in focus appears in the Sources list.
- For each camera you want to include in the export, select the associated check box. If the same camera appears more than once in a view, automatically all of them are selected.
- You can also include cameras from other views. If you change the view, you will not lose your export settings.
- Specify the start and end time. You can also set the time interval in the timeline by dragging the square brackets to the left or right.
- Click Export. The panel is closed, and a green status bar in the upper right corner indicates the progress of the export.
- When the export is complete, you can click the Details button in the status bar to view the exported video.
If a plug-in that supports export is added to the export list, any related cameras are automatically included.
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