Fisheye lens images

If your views include fisheye cameras or lenses, you can navigate fisheye cameras images by clicking either the arrow mouse pointer (the virtual joystick) or the PTZ navigation buttons that appear inside the image (some types of fisheye cameras have their own zoom buttons). The PTZ middle navigation button lets you quickly move the camera to its default position. Zoom in and out using the plus and minus buttons. If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can use scroll to zoom in and out; click the scroll wheel or middle mouse button to return to the default view.

The PTZ navigation buttons and the virtual joystick mouse pointer

On individual mice, the scroll wheel may have been reserved for special purposes, in which case zooming may not be possible. Refer to your mouse configuration manual.

You cannot use presets for navigating fisheye lens images but you can save a favorite position.

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