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Enhance safety and security while building community trust
Keep your streets and roads safe and strengthen community ties with proven video technology.
Be proactive with data-driven policing
Residents depend on their local city police departments to ensure safety while upholding public trust. Milestone's XProtect® video management software (VMS) allows city police to tailor data-driven video technology solutions that integrate seamlessly into existing operations. Its open platform helps optimize resources so you can do more with less and employ analytics for proactive policing.

XProtect is GDPR and FIPS compliant, so privacy is not an issue, and it is already proven in city police departments around the world.
Watch our video technology in action
Discover how law enforcement can prioritize the safety of residents while building stronger community ties. Watch the video to learn more.

One VMS meets multiple needs

Fight crime, increase safety

Identify threats, fight crime, keep city residents safe and road traffic flowing smoothly.

Optimize your resources

Do more with less by making every officer more effective with data-driven video technology.

Streamline operations

Seamlessly share data for better interagency collaboration and make operations more efficient.

Build community trust

Show commitment to empathetic community policing, increase public trust and engagement.

How it works
Explore how we can help keep residents safe and strengthen community ties. Click on the yellow dots for more information.
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Detect incidents on roads
Efficiently manage city traffic with XProtect's advanced analytics integrations for swift detection and response to accidents and obstructions for smoother traffic and safer roads.
Enhance collaboration with secure evidence sharing 
Quickly and securely share critical video evidence with XProtect and integration for swift, collaborative crime-solving.
Get GPS locations of static/moving devices on a map in real time
Manage your entire city’s cameras with XProtect Smart Map, and track moving devices with seamlessly integrated map services.
Access other Milestone installations for extra coverage
Instantly access video from multiple Milestone installations for comprehensive coverage that ensures swift, collaborative responses, with XProtect.
Make better-informed decisions with dashboard insights
Optimize resource planning and response with dashboard insights integrated directly into XProtect. Real-time data analytics enable smarter, more efficient decision-making in policing operations.
Expedite forensic search with advanced video analytics
Streamline investigations with XProtect Rapid REVIEW’s Video Synopsis tool. Search through hours of footage in minutes to pinpoint key evidence.
Track vehicles of interest with License Plate Recognition (LPR)
Swiftly locate vehicles of interest using XProtect LPR’s real-time alerts and detailed reporting, ensuring quick and effective action.
Livestream video from body-worn cameras in real-time
Gain insights, coordinate responses, and uphold accountability with real-time body-cam integration in XProtect, turning critical moments into actionable evidence.
Elevate coverage with drone footage
Maximize situational awareness with integrated drone and ground camera feeds in XProtect that offers real-time video for efficient, responsive urban policing.
Add temporary cameras for enhanced monitoring
Quickly deploy extra cameras with XProtect for real-time surveillance at public events or covert operations to meet your policing needs. 

Le sfide del tuo ospedale risolte grazie alla tecnologia video

VMS XProtect®

XProtect® Hospital Assist

XProtect® Access

XProtect® Rapid REVIEW

Riconoscimento targhe XProtect®

Secure evidence sharing for better collaboration
With crimes like drug-trafficking or kidnappings, collaboration across local and federal agencies is key. Sharing critical video evidence effectively can make or break a case. XProtect and Incident Manager simplify the secure storage and management of evidence.

Integration with platforms like significantly enhances this capability. With, video evidence is distributed quickly and securely, ensuring only the right people have access to it. Plus, strict encryption and cybersecurity protocols ensures the integrity and authenticity of the evidence. Cases can be solved faster, bringing peace of mind to communities and justice to those affected.

Migliora l’assistenza ai pazienti

Forse il tuo ospedale dispone già di telecamere per la sicurezza delle proprietà. Ma puoi usare il tuo sistema video per ottenere molto di più.

XProtect Hospital Assist consente al personale infermieristico di monitorare contemporaneamente più pazienti proteggendo la loro privacy, così da minimizzare le visite in stanza non essenziali e ottimizzare l’uso delle risorse di personale. In questo modo il personale medico ha il tempo di concentrarsi su altre forme di assistenza diretta ai pazienti.

Limita l’accesso alle risorse mediche

Con migliaia di persone che transitano ogni giorno in ospedale, è essenziale proteggere medicinali e prodotti farmaceutici da usi impropri da parte di persone non autorizzate.

Connetti il sistema di controllo accesso a video live e notifiche di richiesta di accesso in tempo reale, per consentire agli addetti di sicurezza di gestire l’accesso di pubblico e personale alle aree ristrette ed essere avvisati in caso di infrazioni. Oltre a usufruire della verifica a due fattori, gli operatori del controllo accesso potranno controllare l'identità delle persone, etichettare gli eventi e consentire o negare l'ingresso o l'uscita in tempo reale. 

Accelera le indagini

Gli operatori della sicurezza sono gli occhi e le orecchie dell’ospedale. Quando si verifica un incidente, spesso devono fornire risposte e prove video — all’istante.

Individuare una sequenza video specifica può richiedere molto tempo, ma XProtect Rapid REVIEW consente ai responsabili della sicurezza di ricercare e analizzare rapidamente i contenuti video forensi per trovare rapidamente ciò che stanno cercando.

Scoraggia gli incidenti nelle zone di parcheggio

Usa il software di riconoscimento targhe (LPR) per gestire i parcheggi del tuo ospedale controllando automaticamente l’accesso alle aree protette.

Confrontando le targhe riconosciute con elenchi predefiniti puoi consentire o negare gli accessi, e perfino gestire le transazioni del parcheggio dell’ospedale. Il riconoscimento targhe può aiutarti anche a documentare rapidamente gli incidenti per le finalità di prova post-evento.   

Get the Milestone advantage
Rely on Milestone video technology, with solutions proven in 500,000+ customer sites and 25 years of experience in the industry.

Il vantaggio di Milestone per te

Milestone ti offre una tecnologia video affidabile, con 25 anni di esperienza nel settore e soluzioni collaudate in oltre 500.000 siti di clienti.
Rete globale di partner
Accedi all'esperienza e al supporto globale di oltre 11.000 rivenditori e integratori.
Piattaforma aperta
Crea una soluzione completamente personalizzata sfruttando le infinite possibilità offerte dal nostro software a piattaforma aperta.
Investimento proiettato nel futuro
Aggiungi e rimuovi dispositivi via via che le esigenze cambiano, grazie al nostro pratico modello di licenza per dispositivo.
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See Milestone in action with a demo that's customized to your business and needs.
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