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Autonomous drone for surveillance

Aggiornato il giovedì 16 giugno 2022
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Explore more
Skeyetech is an innovative drone-in-a-box solution
designed to strengthen security over sensitive sites.
Fully autonomous, it provides around-the-clock security without human intervention. Thanks to its integration with XProtect, security teams can launch and follow drone missions very easily.
Technology Partner
Verificato da Milestone
Fino a 1000 +
What is needed

Da Azur Drones

  • Skeyetech drone
  • Skeyetech station
Azur Drones takes care of system installation, team training and system maintenance.

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
All XProtect+ versions supported since 2018R2

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How it works
How to install

SKEYETECH - Autonomous drone for surveillance

Skeyetech is an innovative drone solution designed to strengthen security over sensitive sites. Fully autonomous, it provides around-the-clock service, without human intervention.

Skeyetech drone-in-a-box system can be easily integrated in existing security features to increase teams’ efficiency. Thanks to Milestone integration, it can be connected to any intrusion sensor to take off automatically in the event of an alarm. Skeyetech also replaces inefficient and dangerous manned patrols in a much more efficient way.
During the flights, the operator monitors the drone’s camera just like any other PTZ camera. When the mission is finished, the drone returns automatically to its docking station to be recharged.

In 2019, Skeyetech system received the first and only DGAC approval for a fully-automated drone, proving the safety, reliability and quality of the solution. It is today the most deployed autonomous drone system in the world with over 150 users and 10,000 operational flights.

Key features

  • GREATER RESPONSIVENESS In the case of a perimeter alarm, Skeyetech drone automatically takes off to assess the situation.
  • SUPERIOR VISUAL CAPACITIES Fitted with EO / IR cameras, Skeyetech drone offers a day and night overview of the monitored site without blind spots.
  • COST-EFFECTIVE Skeyetech enhances the efficiency of security teams while reducing operational costs.
  • MAN PROTECTION By replacing them on the ground, Skeyetech system reduce risks for security officers.
  • DETERRENT EFFECT The arrival of the drone on target constitutes a first intervention which in most cases will make the intruder leave the site.


Droni Telecamere speciali
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Verificato da Milestone Read verification


Required Azur Drones product(s)
Skeyetech V1.0

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2019 R2, 06/19 2019 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 e seguenti

Country availability

Your location is: Stati Uniti

    • Arabia Saudita
    • Bahrain
    • Emirati Arabi Uniti
    • Kuwait
    • Oman
    • Qatar
    • Albania
    • Andorra
    • Antille Olandesi
    • Armenia
    • Austria
    • Azerbaigian
    • Belgio
    • Bosnia ed Erzegovina
    • Bulgaria
    • Croazia
    • Danimarca
    • Estonia
    • Finlandia
    • Francia
    • Georgia
    • Germania
    • Gibilterra
    • Grecia
    • Guernsey
    • Irlanda
    • Islanda
    • Isola di Man
    • Isole Åland
    • Isole Færøer
    • Israele
    • Italia
    • Jersey
    • Kosovo
    • Lettonia
    • Liechtenstein
    • Lituania
    • Lussemburgo
    • Macedonia
    • Malta
    • Moldavia
    • Montenegro
    • Norvegia
    • Paesi Bassi
    • Polonia
    • Portogallo
    • Principato di Monaco
    • Regno Unito
    • Repubblica Ceca
    • Romania
    • San Marino
    • Serbia
    • Slovacchia
    • Slovenia
    • Spagna
    • Svalbard e Jan Mayen
    • Svezia
    • Svizzera
    • Turchia
    • Ucraina
    • Ungheria
    • Canada
    • Stati Uniti
    • Nuova Caledonia
    • Polinesia Francese
    • Wallis e Futuna

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Francese Inglese

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