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I-Trac suite

Identifies and tracks wanted persons, counts people, perimeter protection and traffic density

Aggiornato il lunedì 19 agosto 2024
Fornito da COM-IoT Technologies DMCC Contattaci
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Explore more
I-Trac fuses camera and lidar sensors (patent pending) in an AI based solution for intruder detection, identification and tracking, traffic density with heat mapping, performs accurate counting of people/crowds, perimeter protection against intruders with on demand retrieval of people track lines.
Technology Partner
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What is needed

Da COM-IoT Technologies DMCC

  • I-Trac Dashboard
  • I-Trac Software
  • I-Trac/Xprotect Plugin

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone Access
  • Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect (R) Essential + version 2020R3 or higher

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How it works
How to install

I-Trac suite - Identifies and tracks wanted persons, counts people, perimeter protection and traffic density

I-Trac uses sensor fusion between cameras and LiDAR sensors with an AI Algorithm to recognize wanted persons in a given location, fires an alert to security personnel and the LiDAR sensors track them in real-time wherever they go. I-Trac offers a people/crowd counting feature to a great accuracy. Traffic density is one other important feature. In addition, the I-Trac suite includes perimeter protection with alerts upon detection of fence jumping intruders, with camera-LiDAR fusion, a video is recorded of the intruder in real-time ensuring no false alarms.

Key features

  • Entries and Exits Monitoring (LiDAR sensors)
  • Intruder identification & tracking by AI-based sensor fusion (cameras & LiDARs) + Black list alerts
  • Traffic density/heatmapping , accurate people/crowd counting (LiDAR sensors) .
  • Perimeter protection with no/low false alarms by AI-based sensor fusion (cameras & LiDARs)
  • Assigning a unique ID to EVERYONE not on the database and storing each person’s track line for on-demand retrieval and analytics
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

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Required COM-IoT Technologies DMCC product(s)
I-Trac Version v1.2 or above.

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 e seguenti

Country availability

Your location is: Stati Uniti

    • Egitto
    • Ghana
    • Kenya
    • Marocco
    • Nigeria
    • Sud Africa
    • Tunisia
    • Arabia Saudita
    • Emirati Arabi Uniti
    • Giordania
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Kuwait
    • Libano
    • Malesia
    • Oman
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    • Brasile

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Arabo Inglese

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