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Evolon Insites - AI-Powered Perimeter Security

Evolon turns premise-based Milestone XProtect systems into proactive virtual guarding

Aggiornato il giovedì 31 agosto 2023
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Explore more
Evolon's AI software is a cloud-based perimeter security solution that provides ultra-long-range threat detection, advanced object classification, and event-based video alarm verification.

Seemless integration to Milestone, no device minimums, and setup takes only minutes. Get started today!
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What is needed

Da Evolon

  • Evolon Insites

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
All Newer Milestone XProtect® Version with Encryption*

XProtect® Corporate
XProtect® Expert
XProtect® Professional+
XProtect® Express+
XProtect® Essential+

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How it works
How to install

Evolon Insites - AI-Powered Perimeter Security - Evolon turns premise-based Milestone XProtect systems into proactive virtual guarding

Evolon Insites hosts cloud-based video AI to detect, classify, and alert only verified threats in challenging outdoor conditions.

Designed as a simple plug-in, Evolon Insites turns the Milestone XProtect system into a proactive virtual guarding force to keep people and assets secure. Milestone users can selectively deploy AI to one or many XProtect-managed cameras in minutes.

The Power of Cloud AI
Our cloud-based architecture eliminates the need for expensive-premise servers, software licenses, and maintenance. We update the AI models continuously to future-proof your system with fast-evolving AI advances. Your team can start to deploy AI with a single camera and scale quickly to global enterprise deployments.

A Seamless Experience
What is truly unique and powerful about the Evolon Insites plug-in is that you can manage AI, view verified threats, execute complex automation commands, and conduct forensic searches without leaving the XProtect user experience.

Key features

  • Reduce false alarms by over 95% with accurate AI threat detection, receive real-time alerts, and proactively respond to threats within Milestone.
  • Start easily with a single camera, and scale quickly to thousands.
  • Save time on forensic search investigations with valuable metadata connected to Milestone's Smartclient.
  • Lower the cost of AI deployment by eliminating the need for onsite servers, GPU hardware, and the pesky associated maintenance.
  • Archive verified event video data with Evolon's long-term cloud storage without adding expensive storage hardware.
How it works

How to install


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Required Evolon product(s)
Active Evolon Insites Account

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023
  • XProtect
    2023 R2, 06/20 2023

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 e seguenti

Country availability

Your location is: Stati Uniti

    • Canada
    • Stati Uniti

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