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LucidLink Filespaces streaming cloud file service
Filespaces SaaS provides fast, concurrent access to video—in the cloud—from anywhere like local disk
Aggiornato il venerdì 17 giugno 2022
Filespaces is a secure, high-performance file service that provides rapid access to data—in the cloud—from anywhere like local disk. Filespaces, in combination with Milestone XProtect & cloud storage, enables organizations to upload unlimited video data to the cloud for fast concurrent data access.
What is needed
Da LucidLink Corp.
LucidLink Filespaces
LucidLink enables XProtect to directly record and stream video data on-demand to and from object storage.
LucidLink is a distributed streaming filesystem for object storage that allows true read and write access to object storage as if it were a local disk.
LucidLink integrates with the host operating system as a file system mount point.
To use LucidLink with Milestone XProtect, first create and initialize a LucidLink Filespace.
The Filespace is directly associated with an object storage bucket. This can be any S3-compatible object storage or Azure Blob.
To connect to Milestone XProtect you need to download and install the LucidLink Client on the same machine where it is running.
LucidLink Filespaces offers best-in-class “zero-knowledge” encryption, so data is secure from end-to-end, at rest and in flight, with only the data owner holding the encryption keys – LucidLink nor the storage provider can access the data. This degree of encryption ensures video footage is not only secure but tamper-proof, even while viewing and prevents modifications and deletions.
LucidLink is a distributed streaming filesystem for object storage that allows true read and write access to object storage as if it were a local disk.
LucidLink integrates with the host operating system as a file system mount point.
To use LucidLink with Milestone XProtect, first create and initialize a LucidLink Filespace.
The Filespace is directly associated with an object storage bucket. This can be any S3-compatible object storage or Azure Blob.
To connect to Milestone XProtect you need to download and install the LucidLink Client on the same machine where it is running.
LucidLink Filespaces offers best-in-class “zero-knowledge” encryption, so data is secure from end-to-end, at rest and in flight, with only the data owner holding the encryption keys – LucidLink nor the storage provider can access the data. This degree of encryption ensures video footage is not only secure but tamper-proof, even while viewing and prevents modifications and deletions.
Da Milestone Systems
Milestone XProtect
LucidLink is certified for use with Milestone XProtect.
LucidLink Filespaces enables XProtect to directly record and stream video data on-demand to and from object storage.
LucidLink is a distributed streaming filesystem for object storage that allows true read and write access to object storage as if it were a local disk. LucidLink integrates with the host operating system as a file system mount point.
To use LucidLink with Milestone XProtect, first create and initialize a Filespace. Your LucidLink Filespace is directly associated with an object storage bucket. This can be any S3-compatible object storage or Azure Blob.
Milestone XProtect runs on Windows, and to connect to your LucidLink Filespace you need to download and install the LucidLink Client on the same machine where it is running.
LucidLink Filespaces enables XProtect to directly record and stream video data on-demand to and from object storage.
LucidLink is a distributed streaming filesystem for object storage that allows true read and write access to object storage as if it were a local disk. LucidLink integrates with the host operating system as a file system mount point.
To use LucidLink with Milestone XProtect, first create and initialize a Filespace. Your LucidLink Filespace is directly associated with an object storage bucket. This can be any S3-compatible object storage or Azure Blob.
Milestone XProtect runs on Windows, and to connect to your LucidLink Filespace you need to download and install the LucidLink Client on the same machine where it is running.
How it works
How to install
LucidLink Filespaces streaming cloud file service - Filespaces SaaS provides fast, concurrent access to video—in the cloud—from anywhere like local disk
LucidLink Filespaces is a secure, high-performance file system that provides rapid access to surveillance video —in the cloud—from anywhere, like local disk. In combination with Milestone XProtect & cloud storage, Filespaces enables organizations to upload unlimited video data to the cloud for fast concurrent access to surveillance video at any time point, from any location or device. With “zero-knowledge” encryption data is secure from end-to-end, at rest & in flight, with only the data owner holding the encryption keys. Video footage is safe & tamper-proof, even while viewing & prevents modifications & deletions. Filespaces pay-as-you-grow model keeps costs low while guaranteeing unlimited capacity as needed, so video storage costs are predictable & easy to manage. There is no limit to the length of time users can keep videos. LucidLink is compatible with any cloud, on-prem, or hybrid storage, supports all file types, & major operating systems, including Linux, Windows, & macOS.Key features
- Immutable snapshots preserve the Filespace at any point in time without incurring any performance overhead. Ideal for backup and ransomware protection
- Configurable local disk caching, multiple parallel connections and read prefetching of data enable maximum performance from the object storage.
- Global File Locking gives applications native support for serializing access across multiple users, ideal for remote teams.
- User Access Control - Share Filespaces across connected devices or users, administrators have control over the parts of the Filespace users access.
- Any object storage provider or Operating System - Leverages cloud and on-prem object storage and supports all major OSs.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Milestone_LucidLink Installation | pdf Download (378,80 KB) |
Verificato da Milestone
Read verification
Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Title | Installer Guide | Installer Software |
pdf Download (1,89 MB) | N/A Download |
Required LucidLink Corp. product(s)
Version 1.22, Build 2205
LucidLink Filespaces can be downloaded from any web browser by clicking on the "Get Started" button on the upper right hand corner of the home page
LucidLink is compatible with object storage.
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2019 R2, 06/19 2019
XProtectCorporate2019 R2, 06/19 2019
XProtectEssential+2019 R2, 06/19 2019
XProtectProfessional+2019 R2, 06/19 2019
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2019 R2, 06/19 2019 e seguenti
XProtectCorporate2019 R2, 06/19 2019 e seguenti
XProtectEssential+2019 R2, 06/19 2019 e seguenti
XProtectProfessional+2019 R2, 06/19 2019 e seguenti
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