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Video Surveillance Storage - E5760 Storage Array

NetApp® E-Series storage for video surveillance scales without limits and is cost effective.

Aggiornato il venerdì 17 giugno 2022
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Easy to use and easy to scale, NetApp® E-Series storage systems can help you grow from hundreds to thousands of cameras while minimizing storage footprint and management overhead.
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What is needed

Da NetApp

  • NetApp® E-Series Storage
  • NetApp SANtricity® 11.5
E-Series Storage
SANtricity 11.50, (11.4 and higher)

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
XProtect Corporate (2014 and later)

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NetApp Uses Video Analytics, Drives Transformation
NetApp modernized its video surveillance infrastructure with Milestone integration

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How it works
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Video Surveillance Storage - E5760 Storage Array - NetApp® E-Series storage for video surveillance scales without limits and is cost effective.

The joint Milestone XProtect VMS and NetApp® E-Series storage solution provides superior performance and highly reliable storage to meet the advances of next-generation video surveillance and analytics requirements. Milestone XProtect VMS is a true open platform that allows ease of use, flexibility, and endless integration possibilities for customers. On the back end, and at the heart of a video surveillance solution, is NetApp® E-Series storage, delivering unprecedented capacity, speed, and reliability. With NetApp E-Series systems' high-density modular storage blocks, customers can scale incrementally and without limits.

Milestone XProtect VMS and NetApp E-Series storage together offer customers:
• Consistent high-performance bandwidth for media-intensive video-streaming environments
• Performance-tuned solutions that deliver high availability
• Cost-effective growth
• World-class flexibility and scalability

Key features

  • Never lose access. NetApp video surveillance solutions are designed with fault tolerance that is proven to deliver > 99.999% availabilility.
  • Get the speed you need. Obtain the advantages of high density and high performance within a small footprint.
  • Easy to deploy and support. Support capabilities that give you much easier implementation.
  • Scale without limits. Whether you have 200 cameras or 200,000, we designed our enterprise video storage solutions to scale transparently.
  • Lower your cost of ownership. Our customers confirm that NetApp video storage solutions are 18% to 22% more cost effective over a 3-year cycle.
How it works

How to install


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Required NetApp product(s)
E-Series Storage SANtricity 11.50

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2014, 05/21 2014 e seguenti

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