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Continuity Engine

Application-Aware Business Continuity Software

Aggiornato il venerdì 17 giugno 2022
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Continuity Engine is a high availability software and, when paired with xProtect, monitors the actual availability of the application, hardware, network, and user accessibility. When there is a detected failure, engine fails over to the passive copy in 30-90 seconds
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Da Neverfail Group

  • Engine

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
  • Milestone XProtect

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Customer Stories
Mitel: Intelligent Application Aware Plugin
Mitel uses Neverfail to enhance platform stability and enable intelligent app-aware failover.
Ashurst Law ensures uptime with Neverfail
A global law firm (Ashurst) adopts 50 licenses of Neverfail Engine to all sites around the world
Progress Software standardizes on Neverfail for HA
Global leader for over 20 years in the Managed File Transfer market that delivers missioncritical

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How it works
How to install

Continuity Engine - Application-Aware Business Continuity Software

Continuity Engine provides total protection for critical business applications, ensuring 24/7 availability regardless of any threats to uptime. It prevents application failure by proactively detecting application failure signatures and switching degrading applications to a hot standby server before application failure causes user downtime.

With application-aware monitoring and recovery, support for stand-by server failover, integration with VMware vSphere HA/FT/SRM and WAN optimization to reduce replication requirements, Continuity Engine meets your high availability and disaster recovery needs like no other solution. Regardless of the threat to downtime, Continuity Engine keeps users continuously connected to their data and applications — without fail.

Key features

  • App-aware failover to restore critical workloads in under 90 seconds
  • Built-in replication greatly lowers the threshold for data loss by delivering near-zero RPOs
  • Prevent application failure by proactively monitoring application health in real-time and detecting patterns of degradation before failure can occur
  • Coordinate expedited failover of any collection of application components across multiple servers and recover them in designated priority order
  • Significantly reduce disaster recovery operational cost by reducing WAN replication traffic and associated network bandwidth requirements by up to 80%
How it works

How to install


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Required Neverfail Group product(s)
Continuity Engine 2021 v9.0

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2020 R3, 11/12 2020 e seguenti

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