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VMS connection software

Aggiornato il martedì 12 marzo 2024
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SMARTBRIDGE is an easy to install and to configure software that will allow the customer to retrieve all alarms from PROTECH/SORHEA's detectors in XPROTECT by creating Generic Events or by using MIP (Milestone Integration Platform) Components plugin.
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What is needed


  • Universal MAXIBUS
  • G-FENCE 2400
- SMARTBRIDGE : V4.9.1 and above
- Universal MAXIBUS : V3.5.5 L and above
- G-FENCE 2400 : V2.1

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
- XProtect Express+ 2022 R1 and above
- XProtect Professional+ 2022 R1 and above
- XProtect Expert 2022 R1 and above
- XProtect Corporate 2022 R1 and above

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How it works
How to install

SMARTBRIDGE - VMS connection software

PROTECH/SORHEA’s perimeter intrusion detection systems, like the G-FENCE (impact detection cable), the MAXIRIS (infrared barriers), often need to forward the detection events to a VMS, in our case MILESTONE XPROTECT.
Because each detection systems uses different protocols to send events, and generate a lot of different events, there is no easy solution to perform this task. This is where the SMARTBRIDGE comes into play.
SMARTBRIDGE is a software product allowing detection devices to signal alarm events to XPROTECT. This software is installed on the same machine as the VMS and act as a bridge between the detection device and the VMS.
With the SMARTBRIDGE, it’s possible to connect to detection devices and discover all the available events automatically.
Those events can then be configured in XPROTECT by creating Generic Events linked to an alarm (Alarm Definition) or by using MIP (Milestone Integration Platform) integration components that will allows to interact XPROTECT MAP.

Key features

  • Auto-discovery of PROTECH/SORHEA’s perimeter intrusion detection systems
  • Auto-generation of every events available on detected detection systems
  • Easy configuration: 2 levels of SmartBridge integration [1] Using Generic Events [2] Using MIP Components
  • Supports up to 256 perimeter intrusion devices per SmartBridge (Maxibus Universal or G-FENCE 2400 compatible)
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

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Required PROTECH/SORHEA product(s)
SmartBridge : V4.5.0 and above Universal MAXIBUS : V3.5.5 L and above GFENCE 2400 : V2.1 GFENCE 600 Z – GFENCE 600

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 e seguenti

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Francese Inglese

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